"Enemies" Part 8

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"So what did you make for lunch?", I asked. He smiled at me and opened the basket. "Cupcakes, cookies, Bread, and other stuff ", he answered. "Yummy", I answered. We started eating and I felt Marcus staring at me. "What?", I asked. "Nothing", he said. I rested my head on his shoulder . "You know, I think you are very strong", Marcus said. "What's makes you think that?", I asked. "You lost your parents and your still happy", he said. "Yeah but I still miss them, they just wouldn't want me to be sad", I answered. I wasn't talking about my parents because they are still alive but I'm talking about my brother. " Clark told me you are in a fight with a clan", i said. My clan. "Yea, the Grants clan... the leader has twins just like me and Martinus, only they were a boy and a girl", Said. "Why are they fighting?", I asked. Even I don't know why they are fighting. "I don't really know we are fighting for a long time but we made it worse a few days ago", he answered. "Why?", i asked then. "We sort of killed the boy", he said. "So he is dead?", i asked. "Why do you wanna know", he asked suspiciously. "i was just wondering", I answered fast. "Lets just not talk about that", he said. I nodded. I looked at the sky. "What are you thinking about", he asked. "Nothing", I said. "How was it to be a city girl?", he asked. The problem is I am not a city girl and I don't even know what to answer now, let's just say how I think it is. "It was fun, I had much free time, went to school, had many friends", I said. "Sounds like fun", he said. I nodded. "What are we gonna do now?", I asked. "I don't know , you can choose", he answered. Or I can leave or I can take another step of my plan. Let's do that, how faster I am done here the better. "Let's talk", I answered. "About?", he asked then. "About what you wanna talk about", I answered. "Well okay I just gotta say it, Emily I know we don't know each other that long but I think I like you... more then a friend", he said. Yes! Just as planned! Let's not ruin it now. "I really think the same of you Marcus", I said. "So will you be my girl?", he asked. " of course!", I said and kissed him. I knew he was happy. I knew he cared for me but sadly I really don't do the same. I'm only doing this to break his heart at the end. I know you would think it's mean but what he did is bad. What I am gonna do is nothing compared with what he did. We were still kissing and it was turning in a make-out session. He started kissing me more passionate.  So did I . We kept kissing for another few minutes and then I broke the kiss.
"I love you", he said. "I love you to", I answered and hugged him.

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