"Enemies" Part 14

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We were lying next to each other. It was already 1am. Marcus got up and putted his boxers back on. He went to his closet and gave me a shirt of his. I already Putten my underwear back on. "You were good for your first time", Marcus said with a sexy voice. "Wasn't this your first time?", I asked. "No but this was the best time ever", he said hugging me. We got under the sheets. My head was on Marcus' chest. " I love you", he whispered. " I love you to", I answered.  After that we fell asleep.

The next day
I woke up in Marcus' arms. He was already awake and he was looking at me. "Hey beautiful ",  he said soft. "Hi", I said sleepy. "What time is it?", I asked. "10am", Marcus answered."I'm hungry", I said. "Me to, let's go downstairs ", He answered. I got up wearing only his shirt. He putted a new shirt on. Then we went downstairs. A part of family was already at the table. Gerd Anne was making pancakes. She smiled at me. "Good morning", I said. "Morning", she answered. Emma was watching something on her phone and Martinus was eating. I sat down next to him and Marcus sat down next to me. "Do you want some pancakes?", Gerd Anne asked me. "Yes please but I can't stay that long , I need to go home", I said. She nodded. She gave me a pancake and I putted some sugar on it. Then I started eating. It was really good. "You're a really good cook, I really love the food you make", I said. "Thank you dear, I'm glad you like it", she answered. I only ate one pancake. "Babe? I need to leave I'm gonna get my stuf okay?", I asked Marcus. "I'll help her", Martinus said and followed me upstairs. "I don't need help, I'm just gonna get dressed and get my stuf", I said. We got into Marcus' room. He closed the door. "Don't think I trust you, if you do something I hurt my brother I will kill you okay?", Martinus said threatening. "Okay?", I answered confused. "Where is the bathroom?", I asked taking my clothes and backpack. "In front of this room ", he said. I walked to the bathroom and putted on the clothes from yesterday. I took his shirt with me. When I was done I walked back downstairs. "I'll see you later babe, Thanks for letting me come over, I hope I will see you guys again", I said. Gerd Anne just smiled at me and Emma waved at me. I have Marcus a kiss and left the house. I got on my motor and road home. On my way home I saw Clark. He was fighting with someone. I stopped. "Problems here?", I asked a little threatening. The guy started chocking Clark. I got my gun from my bag. "Leave him now or I will shoot", I said angry. Let's just fight first. I slapped the guy and slammed him against the wall choking him. "If I say leave you leave", I said with a deadly look. He was getting out of air. "Pls leave me you won't see me again I promise", the man said begging. I stopped and just punched him . "Let's go", I said to Clark. He nodded and got on my motorcycle. I drove home with him sitting behind me. When we were there we got of and got inside.

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