"Enemies" Part 12

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Clark was home. "Okay, so I'm going for dinner with the gunnarsens family", I said fast. "Okay, take your gun with you and be careful and now get ready", he said. I ran upstairs and got in the bathroom. I showered and washed my hair. After that I dried my hair and putted on makeup and clothes.

 After that I dried my hair and putted on makeup and clothes

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After 2 hours and a half I was finally done

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After 2 hours and a half I was finally done. Now I only had 30 minutes to get there. I got my backpack and checked if there was a gun in it. I said bye to Clark and got on my motorcycle. I drove to their house. I parked and rang the doorbell. Marcus opened. He stared at me. "Hey babe", I said. "Wow you look really pretty ", he said. "Thanks", I said giving him a kiss. I was nervous but yeah I guess it's normal if you are gonna meat your brothers murderer. I followed Marcus. I saw the whole family sitting at a table. "Hey, this is Emily", Marcus said. I waved. I sat down at a chair and Marcus sat next to me. Martinus sat on my other side. "Hello, I am Gerd Anne, Marcus' mom", the women said friendly. I smiled at her. "I am Kjell Erik, his dad", the man said also very friendly. A little girl looked at me. "You must be Emma, Right?", I asked her. She nodded happy. I said hi to Martinus to. " I will get the food", Gerd Anne said. She walked away and came back a little later with spaghetti. She scooped the spaghetti into each plate. The cheese was past on. I putted a bit on my spaghetti. We all started eating. "I heard from Marcus that your parents died in a fire, I'm sorry for your loss ", Gerd Anne said compassionate. "It's okay, I really miss them but I know they wouldn't want me to be sad", I answered. "You're living with Clark, right?", Kjell Erik asked. "Yea, he was my only family member so I went to live here I didn't want to become an orphan ", i explained. He nodded. I think he believed me. The food tasted really good and we were done really fast. "The food was delicious ", I said. "Thank you", Gerd Anne said. "Can we leave the table or is there some dessert?", Martinus asked. "There is ice cream but you can take it upstairs ", Gerd Anne answered. Wow if I would ask that they would get angry because I needed to eat at the table. She gave us ice cream and we went upstairs. Martinus went to his room and Marcus and me went to Marcus' room. "You can stay the night if you want", Marcus said. "But I don't have my stuff ", I said. "You can borrow a shirt from me", Marcus said smirking. "Okay I will call Clark to tell him that I'm staying over. I grabbed my phone and called him.

(Clark= C, E= Emily)
C: how is it going?
E: great I am staying over so I will see you tomorrow.
C: okay hope it works bye
E: bye
I ended the call.

"It's okay ", I said. Marcus sat down at his bed and I sat at his lap. He started kissing my neck. "Shouldn't we eat our ice cream first?", I asked giggling. "Yeah but after that we are gonna have fun okay?", he asked. I just nodded. We ate our ice cream and when we were ready Marcus brought the bowls down. I waited upstairs. I hope we aren't gonna do more then kissing, I don't think I'm ready for that, I hope he'll understand...

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