"Enemies" Part 15

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He had a blue eye and his nose was bleeding. I brought some ice and putted it on his eye while cleaning his nose. "What was going on there?", I asked. "I don't know he just attacked me out of nowhere , I'm glad you came but you could have shoot him", he said. "He will be killed one a few days", I said. "So you know about the plan?", he asked. I nodded. "I kill Marcus first and then we will kill the rest of them", I said. He nodded and I went to my room. I am confused. I think I don't want to kill him anymore... And I don't want to kill his family, they don't deserve to die... I just can't. Only 5 days and he will be here, he'll tell me that I need to kill him. I don't know or I still can...

Marcus pov.
Emily just left. Last night was great. I really love Emily but i have a feeling that Martinus doesn't like her. I guess I am just gonna ask him. "Emily is a really sweet girl", Mom said. "Yea , i really like her", I answered. "I am going to find Martinus, the pancakes are really good", I said a,d then went upstairs to Martinus. I found him in his room. I walked in. "Hey, can I ask you something?", I asked. "Yea, ask", he answered. "Why don't you like Emily?", I asked. "I don't know, she just comes here and literally a few days later you are together you even did it with her already ", he said. "Martinus, I really love her I want you to understand that, I trust her so you need to trust her to, please?", I asked. He sighed and nodded. I left his room again.

Emily pov.
I have been in my room already for an hour, thinking. I don't want to kill him but then I see my brother lying there on the floor. Do I just need to forget about it? Get on with my life? Or take revenge for what happened? Even the leader was nice and I don't want them to die. But I made my decision. I went back downstairs and grabbed a cookie. I putted on the television and watched something on Netflix.
I was already watching for an hour when my phon vibrated. I looked at it and saw that Marcus sensed me.

Marcus🖤: Hey babe, how are you?
Emily😈: I'm good, you?
Marcus🖤: same but I am bored...
Emily😈: same... just watching Netflix
Marcus🖤: wanna hang out somewhere? I want you to meet somebody.
Emily😈: sounds like fun, come and get me!
Marcus🖤: I'll be there in 5 minutes!

So I guess I am gonna meet someone, sounds good. After 5 minutes I heard a knock on my door. I opened and he was standing there. "I'm gonna get dressed first so come in", I said. He came in and followed me upstairs. We got to my room and I closed the door behind me. I started undressing myself again. "Wait what? I guess you were gonna get dressed?", Marcus said confused. I grabbed an outfit from my closet. " I am", I answered.

 " I am", I answered

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