"Enemies" Part 3

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"You will let him fall in love with you and break his heart, after you did that you will kill him, make it painful", My dad said. "How do I get there?", I asked. "I have a friend and he'll get you in", My dad explained. "When?", I asked. "You will leave tomorrow ", he said. I nodded and left his office. "Honey, you don't need to do this", my mom said almost begging me. "Yes I do, they need to pay for what they did", I said. "I'm going tomorrow and I promise I will be careful ", I said and hugged her. I went to my room and after a while my father came in with an outfit. "That's for tomorrow, you need to get your hair done to", my dad said. I looked at the outfit and I thought that is was okay. "Clark will pick you up at 7am, don't forget your phone, gun and other stuff you need", my dad said. I nodded. It was already time for dinner so we went downstairs. We sat down at the table and I looked at the empty chair next to me, it made me angry and sad. We didn't talk while we were eating and when we were finally done my mom finally said something:", How long will you be gone?", "until she killed one of their sons, who will you pick? Marcus or Martinus? ", my dad asked. "Marcus, he deserves to die", I said. Dad nodded and my mom didn't really look happy. "She is only a little girl, why would you let her do this?", my mom asked sad. "She is 18, she is old enough and she wants to do it", he answered before he left the table. Now it was only my mom and I . She started crying. "Mom, please don't cry, I will be okay", I said hugging her. "What if they do something, they already killed your brother, I don't wanna loose you", she said still crying. "I promise you if I think it will be to dangerous I will come back", I said. She nodded. "I'm going to sleep they will come at 7am already. "Okay, I probably wont see you so don't forget I love you", she said. I hugged her. She turned around and she started looking in the closet. She picked a necklace. "Wear this, for luck", she said. I nodded and putted it on. We hugged for the last time and I went upstairs. I showered and did everything I needed to. I cut my hair short. I set my alarm on 6.30am .After that I went to sleep.

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