"Enemies" Part 4

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The next morning
My alarm went off. I stepped out of my bed and started making me ready. I did everything what I needed to do. And after it I looked like this.

When I was done it was already 6

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When I was done it was already 6.50 am. I went downstairs and ate an apple. I made a backpack with food, my gun, phone and the other stuff I needed. My dad came to. "He is here", he said. I nodded and followed him outside. Clark was standing there next to his car. "Get in or we will be late", he said. I nodded. I looked at my dad and we hugged. Then I stepped in the car and we started driving. "Okay, your dad puts my on a huge risk so nothing can go wrong, you just need to say that you are my niece and your parents died so you live with me now", he said. We needed to drive for 10 minutes and then we were finally there. We came to his house, it was big and dark. There were 2 motorcycles in front of his house. "Do you have children? Or a wife?", I asked. "No that is yours until you leave", he said. I nodded. We got out of the car and walked in the house. "What do I need to do today?", I asked. "Just go for a walk those 2 boys are always around", he said. "Okay", I said. I grabbed my backpack and left. I started walking. It was kinda beautiful out here. We live somewhere dark . I just walked and walked. Nothing seemed to happen. Until somebody puts the barrel of his gun against my back. "How careful with that gun cowboy, I don't wanna die today", I said while I turned around. It was him. Marcus gunnarsen. "Who are you and what are you doing here?", he asked. "I'm Emily Scott and I'm just walking around", I said. "What are you doing here, I never saw you here", he said. "I live here, my parents just died so I needed to live with my uncle", I said fake sad. "Ow I am sorry, were you in a clan?", he asked. "It's okay and No I wasn't I lived a normal life but they died, my uncle is the only family I have and he is in a clan but I didn't wanna go to a foster home so I live with him now", I said. He nodded. "Who are you?", I asked. Like I didn't know who he was. He was Marcus Gunnarsen he was with my brother when he died. "Marcus Gunnarsen, I'm the son of the leader of this clan", he said. "The Gunnarsens clan? Right?", I asked. He nodded. "So, I guess I will head home again, see you later ?", I asked. He nodded. I just waved and walked away. I looked if he followed me but he didn't. After 10 minutes I was back at Clark's house. I walked in. He was sitting in a chair."How did it go, you made friends?", he asked. "I talked with Marcus", I said. "So?", he asked. "So what?", I asked. "I don't know did he already fall in love with you?", he asked. "Like that goes so fast", I said. I just went to my room. I looked outside and saw him standing in front of the house. I opened my window. "Uh hey Marcus? What are you doing here?", I asked. "Um I was just asking if you wanted to spend some time with me", he said. "Yea why not, I will ask my uncle", I said and closed the window again. I walked downstairs . "I'm going with Marcus wish me luck", I said. "Good Luck", Clark said. I grabbed my backpack again and walked out.

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