"Enemies" Part 26

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After a while they got home and it was only me, Emily and Finn. Finn was sleeping on another bed and i was still sitting next to her. I felt my eyes getting heavy and fell asleep.
I was sitting here for already 5 weeks, nothing happened. I feel really useless without her. I've never been so much. Her mom comes to every day .Martinus was really worried about me. It must be hard for him to...
Martinus pov.
Marcus is really sad. Emily is still not awake. Marcus never eats and when he eats its only a little bit. He never sleeps at home and never leaves the hospital. Emma is very worried to and she keeps asking after him and Emily. I hope she will wake up soon.

A few weeks later
Emily pov.
I feel like I've been sleeping for years. I was lying very comfortable. I opened my eyes a little bit and saw Marcus crying and holding my hand . Why is he crying and were am i?
Am i dead?! "Marcus?", I whispered. He looked up. I opened my eyes totally now. "Emily?!", he asked happy. I.smiled at him. He was really happy. He kissed me. "How long have i been sleeping and what happened?", i asked. "You've been in a coma for 10 weeks and your dad accidentally hit you with a bullet when you jumped in front of me", he said. We hugged. "Emily?", i heard a voice say. "Finn?!", i almost screamed. He came to my bed and i started crying. "I thought you were dead!", i said. "I wasn't, I'm sorry", he said. Her mom walked in. She came back from the toilet. "Mom?!4", Emily screamed happy. Her very pregnant mom ran to her daughter and hugged her hard. "Honey! You are awake!", her mom screamed happy. Everybody was really happy. I called my family and they came to . It was fun until Emily's mother's water broke. She needed to go in labor. The doctors picked her up and I guess it started. Everybody was waiting in Emily's room. I was hugging her. She was talking to everybody. A few doctors came to check on her and they said she could go home tomorrow. After a few hours the doctors came and said Emily had a new sister called Millie. This was a room for 2 so her mom came in this room to with the little baby. Everybody was laughing and hugging.

Emily pov.
I'm so happy! I have a new little sister. I have been thinking and it's important so I want everybody to know. "Guys? I wanna say something ", I said. Everybody looked at me. "I wanna go study and have a normal life, I'm leaving the Grants clan and I'm going to move here, go study and be with Marcus", I said looking at Marcus. "I'm gonna study to", Marcus said. Eventually this day became a party and we celebrated the birth of my little sister and the fact that we are gonna study. Everybody is happy and I hope it will never change...

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