"Enemies"Part 22

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"I heard the Grants are gonna attack us tomorrow ", I said. "Really? Who said that?", he asked. "I heard someone talking", I lied. "Stay over tonight, then you are save", he said. "I can't, Clark said I needed to stay with him", I lied AGAIN. "I can protect myself and Clark can protect me to so don't worry ", I said. "But maybe we can meet each other at the field or somewhere ", he said. I nodded, that would probably be the place where I need to kill him. My dad is gonna be angry if I won't. But I don't know if I can. "So what are we gonna do now?", I asked. "Maybe you can stay after dinner and then go home?", he asked. "Yeah that would be nice", I said. We just lied down at his bed . I was on his chest with my head. Marcus was looking at me. He was kissing my head softly. "Mama said you guys should come for lunch", Emma said from outside the door. "Yeah we are coming", I said and we got up. We walked downstairs hand in hand. "Aww I'm glad that you guys are together again", Gerd Anne said when she saw us. "Where is dad?", Marcus asked. "He needed to do some stuff", she said. Martinus came down to and he looked at us smiling. We sat down and started eating. "Are you staying for dinner to?", Gerd Anne asked. "If it's okay with you I will", I said. "Of course ", she said smiling. "Hey, do you wanna play FiFa after lunch?", Martinus asked. "Yeah, Is that okay for you Emily?", Marcus asked. "Yeah that's great, I will watch", I said smiling. So yeah that's what we were gonna do after lunch. I helped Gerd Anne with clearing the table. She was happy and after that we went upstairs. Marcus played for Manchester United and Martinus played for Chelsea. They were both really good. Martinus made the first goal and Marcus made one after him. It was pretty exiting because they were sometimes equal. Eventually Martinus won. Marcus played sad. It was really funny. After that we were just talking about everything. We even told Martinus about the Grants attacking tomorrow. "You should stay here, we can protect you, then you're save", he also said. Again I told the lie about Clark saying I need to be with him. He understood it. He gave me his phone number to call if I need one of them. He was really nice now. We had been talking for hours. Before we even knew it , it was already time for dinner. We were really hungry so we ran downstairs as fast as possible to eat. We were eating Tacos and Marcus was eating so many. I think he really loves it. Marcus and Martinus were even doing a competition , who can eat the most Tacos. Marcus won this one , he ate 8 tacos and Martinus ate 6. Gerd Anne was also laughing. Emma's water even came out of her nose because she was laughing so hard. When we were ready I decided it was time to leave and I said goodbye to everybody. Marcus walked with me to the door to say goodbye to. We hugged. "Don't forget I love you, okay?", I said. "And you don't forget I love you to, be careful", he said kissing my nose. After that we kissed and then I left.

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