"Enemies" Part 17

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"Let's go to the beach, I love it there", I said. "Maybe we can take our bathing clothes and some food with us", he said. I nodded. "I'll get my stuff, are you gonna get the door or do I need to do that?", I asked. "I'll do that we'll meet at the beach", he answered. I nodded kissed him and road home. I ran in and started looking for a bikini.

 I ran in and started looking for a bikini

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I putted a cute dress above it.

I grabbed beach bag and putted my stuff in it

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I grabbed beach bag and putted my stuff in it. Then I walked out and road to the beach. He was already waiting for me. "Hey handsome ", I said. "Hey babe", he said smiling. We putted a blanket on the sand and putted our stuff at it. We decided to go for a swim first. It was fun and after it we ate lunch. His mom made it and I really love it. "Do you wanna stay over at my house again?", Marcus asked. "Yeah let's do Netflix and chill", I said. After we ate we got to his house. "Should I get some clothes from home?", I asked. "If you wanna stay longer you can", Marcus said hugging me. "I'll do that tomorrow ", I said. Nobody was home even Martinus wasn't home. "Where is Martinus?", I asked. "I don't know, probably just hanging out with the boys", Marcus said. We went to his room and putted on his tv . We decided to watch Once Upon A Time. It was so much fun. When we saw like 2 seasons we heard the front door closing. "That must be Martinus ", Marcus said. We heard things falling and breaking. "Wtf, that can't be him", I said a little scared. "I'll go check, wait here", Marcus said. He got up and grabbed he's gun. He walked out of the room and went downstairs. After a while I heard screaming . This can't be good... I also grabbed my gun and went downstairs. "She is an ugly slut! She is stupid and bad for you! She is the reason you're getting weak", Martinus screamed. I stopped. Is it about me? "You're just jealous because I have a girlfriend and you don't ", Marcus screamed. This was going to be a fight. "Both of you shut up and don't move or I will shoot", I screamed pointing at them with my gun. They both got quiet and didn't move. "Martinus, I get that you don't like me but that doesn't give you the right to break things and say all this shit about me", I said with a calm voice. "And Marcus, I love you but I don't want you guys to fight for me, I can leave if you want and then you won't see me again", I said again with a calm voice. "No", Marcus said. "Yes, maybe we should just take a break, until he gets that I love you and you love me", I said. I went back upstairs and got my stuf . I went back downstairs, opened the door and left.

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