"Enemies" Part 5

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I walked to him. "So what are we gonna do?", I asked. "Do you want me to show you around?", he asked. "Yeah okay", I answered. Then I saw his motorcycle behind him. "I have my own so I could just drive behind you", I said pointing at the motorcycle. "No , come sit behind me, otherwise you can't hear me", he said. I nodded. He sat down on the motorcycle and I sat down behind him. I put my arms around him so I wouldn't fall. Then we started driving. "So where are we going first?", I asked. "I want you to meet someone ", he said. "Who?", I asked. "My brother", he answered. So I'm finally gonna meet the other twin. I hate them both so maybe my dad would like it better if I kill them both. Well let's just try to let one of them fall in love with me.

Marcus pov.
I feel bad for her, Finn's sister I mean. She thinks she lost her brother, her twin... I don't know what I should do without my twin. I would die of sadness. I hope she is okay. Now there is this new girl, she lives with Clark. Her parents died , poor her. She is really beautiful and nice. I told Martinus and he wants to meet her. I think she was a city girl but she looks very good in those bad girl clothes. I don't really know anything about her, only that her name is Emily Scott, I guess I just need to get to know her.

Emily pov.
We arrived at a house. It is really big, I think it's from the leader of the clan. I hope he isn't home... Marcus parked in front of the house and I got of the motorcycle. He also got of. I followed him inside. "Let's go to my room, I guess he is there", he said. I nodded and followed him. When we came in the room I saw a boy who looked just like him. "Emily, this is my twin brother Martinus", Marcus said. I waved. "Hi", Martinus said. "So let's get to know each other better", Marcus said. We both nodded. We sat down at the floor. "So , I will start, I am Marcus Gunnarsen, I am 18 years old and I am the son of the leader, I also have a mother, sister and yeah Martinus", Marcus said. "For me it's the same because we are twins", Martinus said. "Well I am Emily, I am also 18 years old and my parents just died so I live here with my uncle ", I said. "How did they die?", Martinus asked. Wait what? Who asks someone who just lost her parents how they died?! "Well there was a fire when I was with a friend, they couldn't get out ", I said almost fake crying. "I'm sorry", he said. "It's okay", I said. "I have a question, it's maybe a weird question but you are in a clan, do you kill people?", I asked. If somebody would ask me that I would think she is very dumb but yeah I need to play the game until I can finally kill them. "Uhh yeah...", Marcus said uncertain. "Wait what a dumb question, you guys have a gun so why wouldn't you kill somebody", I said half laughing. "Wait, you don't have a gun?", Martinus asked. "No", I lied. "You should have because otherwise you couldn't survive here", he said. He walked out of the room and came back with a gun. It was a beautiful classic gun. "I can't take that", I said. "Yes you can", Marcus said.

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