"Enemies" Part 11

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We broke the kiss and putted our heads together breathing heavily. I felt his hot breath against my lips. I pecked his lips. "Let's swim", he said. "With our clothes?", I asked giggling. "In our underwear crazy", he said laughing a bit. "But then it is wet", I said with a cute face. "Do you have a better idea?", he asked. "No but-", "cmon babe", he said. He took of his shirt and shoes. Man what a view, he has a freaking six pack. "You like watcha see?", he asked laughing. I blushed and took of my clothes and started running to the water. I heard Marcus running after me. I jumped in the water. I was totally wet. Marcus swam to me. "You're looking very sexy", he whispered in my ear. I blushed. We just started swimming around. Marcus hugged me from behind and started kissing my neck. I liked that feeling. I had never really had a boyfriend so nobody has did this to me. And now I had a boyfriend who I really really like and I need to kill him. He turned me around. "What's up?", he asked. "Nothing I just don't want us to end", I answered. "That won't happen", he answered. If he only knew that I needed to kill him in 6 days... He kissed me and made us fall over in the water. When I got back up he looked at me smirking. "What?", I asked. "Nothing", he said and splashed water at me. I splashed water at him and so it turned into a water fight. It was fun and after a while we were tired and later down at the sand. We were just looking at each other. "Oh I wanted to ask you something", Marcus said. "Ask", I said . "Would you like to come tonight for a diner with my family?", he asked. Then I would meet the one and only killer of my brother. But if I wouldn't it could ruin everything. "I would love to", I said. "Okay, I can't wait", he said. "What time is it?", I asked. "3 pm, we can eat soon", he answered. "And when is diner?", I asked. "6 pm", he answered looking confused. "I need to start getting ready", I almost screamed. "Already?", he asked only more confused. "Duh, I need to look pretty", I said bossy. "You are already pretty", he said cute. "Not pretty enough", I said a little more bossy. "Okay okay, your really cute when your bossy", he said making me blush. "Let's go", I said getting up. He got up slowly and we got our clothes back on. Then we ran to our motorcycles and we drove to my house. "I will come, I know where you live", I said getting of my motorcycle. I kissed him goodbye and ran inside.

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