"Enemies" Part 19

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Emily pov.
When I left I was sad. I missed him already... it's better like this... I'll loose him anyway in 5 days. This will make it easier to shoot him... he tried to message me.
Marcus🖤: I'm sorry🥺
I didn't answer.
Marcus🖤: Em please answer😔
I felt bad for not answering but i need to do this.
Marcus🖤: I miss you🥺❤️
He tried to call me to. He left a voicemail. "Hey Em, I miss you, I can't live without you, please call me back", he said. I just kept listening at his voice. I was lying at my bed crying. I don't know why I miss him that hard... I love him but I know him like a week or something? He is so nice but he's brother is the opposite. I think he can be sweet but I think he thinks I am gonna do something bad and that's true... In 5 days my dad will be there, I think the rest of the clan to. I will kill Marcus and that would be the start shot to the war. They will kill us or we will kill them. But what if I don't kill him? My dad would kill him by  himself . And he would be very angry because he thinks it would be weak. "Love is weak", that's what he always said. I have no idea how he got married with my mom then. I miss her. I felt to where the necklace hangs. I didn't feel it. I started searching in my bags and everywhere in my room. I couldn't find it. I was panicking, it was very important for me. I only had Marcus' necklace on. I ran outside and road to his house. I rang the doorbell and Gerd Anne opened. She looked at me worried and then I realised I didn't fix my makeup. It was totally run out. "Hey Emily, are you okay?", she asked. "I - I can't find my mothers necklace ", I said a little panicked. "As honey, I will help you find it I get it's important for you", she said stepping aside and letting me in. "I'll go ask the boys , you can go to Emma and ask her if she found it. She went upstairs and I followed her and went to Emma's room. I closed the door behind me. "Hey Emma", I said. "Emily! Your back! Marcus is really sad without you", she screamed. "Shhhhh, you need to be quiet ", I said soft. "Did you find a necklace somewhere? It was my mom's and I lost it", I said. She started looking around and looking into boxes.
Gerd Anne pov.
I think Marcus and Emily broke up. She came at our door and I could see she had been crying. Her makeup had smeared. She said she lost her mom's necklace. Poor her, her mom died I know it's important for her. I decided to help her looking. She went to ask Emma and I was gonna ask the boys. I went to Martinus first. "Hey honey, Emily lost her mother's necklace , did you see it?", I asked. "No why should I", he answered. He didn't like her at all and I don't get why, she is a sweet girl. I closed he's door and went to Marcus. "Honey? Emily lost her mother's necklace, do you know where it is?", I asked careful. "Is she here?", he asked. "Yea, she is searching her necklace it is very important for her", I answered. He started looking in a box. He got a necklaces out of it. "She must accidentally left it here", he said. "Should I give it to her or do you wanna give it?", I asked. "I will do it, where is she?", he asked. "She is with Emma", I answered he nodded and left his room.

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