"Enemies" Part 20

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Emily pov.
I was searching with Emma when I heard the door open. "Did you find it?", I asked without turning around. "Yea you left it here", I heard Marcus' voice. I turned around. There he was. He's eyes were red , he had been crying. I just stood there looking at him. He gave me the necklace. "Thanks", I said. "Should I put it on?", he asked. I nodded and he putted it on. He hugged me from behind. "I missed you", he whispered. "I'm sorry, you should sort things out with your brother", I said removing he's arms from me. I wanted to just hug him and forget all this but I still don't want to get in between of them. "Thanks for finding my necklace ", I said walking out the door. "Bye Emma", I said. I walked downstairs and said bye to Gerd Anne. Then I road back home. Clark wasn't home for already a few days. I think he went to my clan. I just went to my room and was just lying down staring in front of me. I could really use my brother right now. I started cleaning my room a bit and found Marcus' shirt. It smelled like his cologne. I putted it on. After an hour I heard the doorbell. I walked downstairs and opened the door . It was Martinus, I didn't expect to see him here. "Can I come in?", he asked. I nodded and he came in. We sat down at the table. "Look, I am sorry for what I said about you, I guess I just got suspicious because we sort of murdered somebody from our enemies clan, I thought they would come for revenge and I thought it was you, he's sister also called Emily", he said. "What do you mean with sort of?", I asked suspicious. "We made a deal with him but that isn't important ", he said. "I'm just sorry, I think I got a bit jealous to because Marcus wouldn't spend time with me anymore but yeah that doesn't give me the right to be mean to you", he said then. "It's okay, did you sort it out with Marcus?", I asked. "No he doesn't wanna talk to me until I said sorry to you, but now I did so now I'm gonna sort it out with him", he said. I nodded . "Thanks", I said before he left. "For what?", he asked. "Saying sorry", I said and closed the door. I have no idea what I should do now. I decided to start cooking dinner. I was gonna make Spaghetti a la Grants. It's a family recept. I still don't know what that deal with my brother is about but okay. When the food was ready my phone rang. I picked up. It was my mother.
Mom: hey honey, how is it going?
Me: great, how is it there?
Mom: great but your dad told me to tell you that we will come earlier, so we will be there in 2 days.
Me: What?! I thought you guys were coming in 5 days?
Mom: yeah but your father cant wait to see you kill the boy and we just miss you.
Me: so when you are there I need to kill him already?
Mom: yes, sorry that it is so early but we don't have that much time because in a few weeks your little new sibling will come.
Me: already? I can't wait! But mom I need to go I still need to eat bye
Mom: bye honey

2 DAYS?! ONLY 2DAYS ! I can't do it...

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