Chapter 9-my memories are horrible

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Elliott had to take the pain of getting nocked over, hit and thrown all over the place by the two agents for hours, he noticed a pattern in both of their fighting styles so he was able to adapt and counter their hits.

Clint was a more punching type of fighter, while Natasha mainly focussed on trying to drop people to The ground using her legs.

Once the training was finished Elliott was a sweaty mess, you wouldn't even be able to recognize his shirt.

Elliott's mind was messy, especially during fights, he
Gets flashbacks from his past, he now knows what happened when he was younger...well only bits and pieces of it.

Natasha watched Elliott walk away, heading to the locker room. She stepped out of the sparing ring and stood next to Clint.

She got worried about Elliott, she doesn't worry to much, or she tries to suppress her emotions and feelings, the red room took most of her normal away.

"He's a cool kid, I can see why you like him" Clint grinned patting Natasha on her shoulder, she rolled her eyes. "I don't"

Clint shook his head. "What ever you say, I haven't seen that spark in your eyes since...well since Budapest"

Natasha turned to face Clint her arms crossed, he face was blank. "Clint, Do you want to be in the infirmary for the next week?"

Clint let out a low chuckle. "No I would like to be alive for the next few years nat"

"Good answer, ima go check on him, make sure we didn't brake him to Much" Natasha walked out of the gym ignoring Clint's stares.

She made it to the locker room and nocked on the door. "Who is it!?" Elliott yelled from inside.

"The person who kicked your ass" Natasha joked.

"Come in"

Natasha opened the door, Elliott was the only one in the locker room, he slipped on a new black shirt, he also had on gray joggers and his pair of running shoes.

"What's up?" He asked putting on his jacket turning to face Natasha.

"Nothing, just thought to check on you. You seamed a little out of it after the sparing" Natasha said carefully, she didn't want to push it, if he didn't want to talk about anything.

Elliott didn't respond, he stayed quiet. His hand pressed against his side, the burn scars still pressent.

"You okay?" Natasha asked again.

"Yeah" Elliott went to walk out the door, Natasha stopped him by putting her hand on his chest.

"Natasha please—" she cut him off by placing a hand on his mouth.

"You're forgetting that I'm a spy, trained to read emotions, I know you're not okay" she removed her hand from his mouth, a frown present on his face.

"And your forgetting that I was a trained hydra killer, I know what you want, I do. But I'm not the man I once was, not after hydra. I'm a monster, meant to kill" Elliott eyes showed an emotion so different from what she was use to. Hate and regret.

"aren't we both?" Natasha tilted her head slightly.

Elliott's eyes softened, he placed his hand on her bicep. "I don't want to hurt anyone, what if I break, hydra put something inside my head, and if it comes out I could hurt you, tony, or pepper. I-I don't need that on my Conscience"

She stepped back, she motioned to the door with her head. "Come with me, I wanna show you something"

Elliott sighed, he followed her out of the locker room. They made their way down a few hallways, until the exited the base.

Outside the base was beautiful, flowers littered the ground, trees stood tall, a perfect place for a wolf. "What's this?" Elliott looked around.

"My special place" she led him down a dirt path, it stopped in front of a large lake.

Elliott has never been anywhere like this, besides the stark house but it was a house, not nature. "When I joined S.H.I.E.L.D I had blood on my hands. I was raised in the red room from a young age, I took many innocent lives. Clint was the one to bring me in, he was tasked to kill me, but he made a different call"

"I didn't know it went that deep, I'm sorry" Elliott said genuinely.

"See we aren't so different after all, I just want you to know that I've been through exactly what you've went through. I want you to know your not alone" her hand took his, intertwining their fingers.

"How do I know if anything is real? You learn to take
Everything with a grain of salt nowadays" Elliott asked.

"Well you won't know, but trust goes a long way with friends" Natasha smiled at him.

"You're my friend?" Elliott questioned, he's never really had a friend before. Besides winter.

"I don't know how to keep a friendship, I usually tend to get them hurt because of me" Elliott squeezed her hand tightly to giver her some comfort.

"Well Clint seems like he got lucky to be friends with you" Elliott chuckled.

"Well he gave me a second chance, so I will forever be grateful for him" she said truthfully.

"Tony Gave me a chance, I probably would of been dead on the streets if it wasn't for him"

Natasha smiled as a comfortable silence fell over the two, it was nothing but calmness.

Natasha being in Elliott's life made him think he could do better, she's making him want to do better, Elliott is having the same effect on Natasha, she never thought she would let anyone get close to her but all that changed when she walked into the gym that day at Tony's.

The water and wind blew, a nice smell in the air, it was so crisp and fresh.

Natasha placed her head on Elliott's shoulder, he removed his hand from her and placed it around her shoulders pulling her closer.

To Elliott it seams like it'll be a nice new start at life, with Natasha by his side.

The sound of a snap was Hurd from behind them, they quietly pulled away from each other turning around to see Clint standing with a camera in his hand. "That's a good one!" He laughed.

"Elliott, will you?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at him.

He grinned. "Oh this will be fun"

Clint gulped. "Uh sorry?" Clint took of as he saw Elliott shift Into his wolf and chase after him.

"You won't get far!" Natasha yelled as she ran after them.

The rest of the day consisted of Elliott and Natasha messing with Clint, and ultimately starting a prank war between the three.

From this day Elliott knew times will be better, well that's what he hoped.

A/N: this was more of nice chapter, pretty calm. This was more so you can learn more about Elliott and what he's all about. Avengers will start next!

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