Chapter 23-on your left!

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The first chapter of part two! Hope y'all enjoy!

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The first chapter of part two! Hope y'all enjoy!

Washington DC
Elliott's apartment

"Steve why are you making me do this?" I complained as I put on my running shoes.

"Because it's not a bad idea to exercise" Steve argued tossing me a water bottle.

"Well I've been exercising everyday for the past week" I complained.

"Come on man! We are both new in the world so let's go enjoy it, besides Natasha's busy talking to fury"

"Wow your gonna pull that card on me"

"Always works"

I sighed rolling my eyes. "I can turn into a wolf, why does no one remember that" I stood up after finally putting on my shoes.

"Look on the bright side Miller! We'll explore the city in a way" Steve and I exited my apartment and made it to the sidewalk.

"Yeah yeah sure thing cap" me and Steve started to sprint. it's been a good while since I found my home and some of my family, Steve and I became closer friends over the time.

"On your left" Steve passed a dark skin African American man who was jogging in the Same path we were.

I chuckled as I ran past his as well. "On your right"

Again In record time we made it past the man again, Steve had to say it. "On your left"

"Uh-Huh. On my left. got it"

"On your right" I passed him up again chuckling, it was always fun being faster then the normal person.

"Okay seriously" the man complained.

Finally on the third time I'm assuming he got fed up with it. "Don't say it! Don't you say it!"

"On your left"

"Come on!" The man yelled trying to catch up to cap but that wasn't going to work.

When we came back around we saw the man sitting against a tree trying to catch his breath. "Need a medic?" Steve and I walked up to him.

"I need a new set of lungs" the man laughed.

"Dude, y'all just ran, Like, 13 miles in 30 minutes!" He said pointing to us.

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