Chapter 82-Dont leave me

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Elliott awoke quickly, his mind felt blank, everything hurt. He had a feeling something bad was going, but he felt powerful.

Elliott picked up his hand seeing blue Lightning going around his hand before disappearing. Elliott rolled to his side picking himself up.

He regained focus as he looked around noticing everyone was starting to wake up. A loud yell with a bright beam of light made Elliott flinch. He looked forward seeing Thor had his axe deep into the titans chest.

"I told you, you'd die for that." Thor said Darkly, Elliott has never Hurd the god talk such way before.

Elliott watched with nothing he could do as thanos weakly raised his hand. "You should of gone for the head."

Thanos put his fingers together and then "snap" the snap Hurd around the world, one that will forever change the way of life for everyone on this planet.

A bright white light went of and just as quick as it came it went away. Leaving a very confused Elliott as he watched thanos disappear through a blue portal.

Elliott walked forward slightly. "Where'd he go?" Elliott asked worried. Steve was close next to him.

"Thor. Where'd he go?" Steve asked this time looking around, trying to find the titan.

Elliott started to panic, a heavy feeling in his chest. "Steve? Elliott?" Steve and Elliott turned to see Bucky fall to the floor, turning to dust. "No." Elliott mumbled as he watched Steve walk over to where his friend disappeared.

"Dad?" Elliott Head Snapped towards Rica's voice. She was limping towards him. "D-dad what's happening? I-I'm scared please, please help me." Tears fell from Rica's eyes as she collapsed into Elliott's chest.

Elliott fell down holding her in his arms, her head on his chest. "Dad please i don't want to go! Please I-I want to live! I don't wanna die!" Rica was full on crying.

"No, it's okay. Your okay. You gonna be okay I'm here. I love you." Elliott placed his hand on the side of her face, gently rubbing her cheek.

"D-dad. Please. Please tell mom I love her, please tell Wanda I love her." Elliott noticed her arms were turning to dust, it slowly spreading up to her face. "I-I love you." Was the last thing she said before she was gone, the only thing left was a handful of dust.

Tears fell from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't help you." Then he remember about Wanda. He quickly got up looking for her, but when he did find her she quickly disappeared. "No." Elliott mumbled.

"Elliott." He turned around to see Natasha with tears in her eyes. "Rica, and Wanda. Their gone." This was one of the first times he saw Natasha cry.

Elliott ran to her pulling her into a tight hug, holding her tightly thinking she'll disappear. He closed his eyes, letting Natasha cry into his shoulder. "I couldn't save them." Elliott said sadly.

He pulled away from the hug seeing Natasha his was still with him. The slowly walked over to where visions body laid on the ground. "What's this? What the hell happened?"

Elliott noticed the only ones who were here still were, Rocket, Thor, Bruce, Rhodes and okoye. But even with them still here he felt like he lost everyone. This was his braking point, this was the edge of his sanity.

Steve looked ahead, siting on the ground.

"Oh, god."

Two days later.
Avengers facility.

Elliott was broken, everything was broken. He lost his daughter, and Wanda, his friends. He doesn't even know if tony made it out alive.

He went through hell in Canada only to go through hell again a few months later, and now, he doesn't know who survived in his pack. He did everything to protect them, protect Rica. But he failed, he wish he could of done better, he wishes he could die, for them to live.

Elliott stood with his arms crossed over his chest watching as a device that belonged to nick fury was in front of them with a one red and blue line, and a stare in the middle. It shut off, and stoped working.

"This is a nightmare." Steve said quietly.

"I've had better nightmares." Natasha spoke up. Elliott picked up on their voices from another room, he Hurd Rhodey wall over to go get them. "So, that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing."

Elliott Hurd the three walk over to the room him and Bruce are in. "What do we got?" Natasha walked in, standing next to Elliott.

The five walked up to the glass window, on the other side was the devise. "Whatever signal it was sending finally crapped out." Bruce explained.

"I thought we bypassed the battery." Steve stated, slightly annoyed.

"We did." Elliott spoke up for the first time in a long time. "It's still plugged in. The fucking thing just stopped."

"Reboot it. And send the signal again." Steve ordered.

"We don't even know what this is." Bruce complained.

"Fury did. Just do it, please." Natasha said, a slight pain in her voice. Elliott picked up on some movement behind him. "You tell me the second you get a signal. I wanna know who's on the other side of that thing."

Natasha turned around only to stop dead in her tracks. Elliott turned with her and saw a blond woman in a red, blue and gold uniform. A low growl emitted from his throat. "Where's fury?"

Elliott continued to growl, but stopped once Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder. "Elliott, stand down."

Elliott rolled his eyes, he shook Natasha's hand of of him and walked up to the new woman. "Do anything to them and I won't hesitate to kill you. I don't care how powerful you are because guess what. I'm stronger then you'll ever be. But if you wanna be allies then I'm open to it." With those final words Elliott walked away to be alone for the rest of the day.

One thing he knew, he was going to do anything to get his daughter and friends back. No matter the cost.

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