Chapter 11-stark tower

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The elevator kept denying us access. "Sorry, Mr. stark is not available at this time" Jarvis's voice was Hurd through the building.

"Tell him it's urgent" I replied.

Jarvis didn't respond.

"Wow what a dickhead" I mumbled. Colson managed to get the elevator door open. "Huh good job" we stepped in.

"Mr. stark we need to talk" Coulson called tony. "You reached the life model decoy of tony stark. Please leave a message"

"This is urgent"

"Then leave it urgently" the door opened to reveal tony and pepper sitting on the couch.

"Security breach, it's on you"

"Leave it urgently, thats the best one yet" I smiled at the two. Me and Coulson walked out of the elevator.

They both kinda looked surprised to see me.

"Phill! Elliott! Come in" pepper grabbing her drink and walked up to us.

"Phil?" Tony questioned. He stood up quickly and followed pepper. He pointed to Coulson. "His first name is agent"

Pepper came up to me and pulled me into a hug. "Hey pep" I hugged her back. I haven't seen them since I got excepted into S.H.I.L.E.D, witch was about a year ago.

"Come on. We're celebrating" she pulled away from the hug.

"Witch is why they can't be hear" tony joked, I rolled my eyes.

I brought him into a hug. "How you been kid" we pulled away from the embrace.

"As good as I can be"

Pepper and tony stood in front of phill, I was at the side of the three.

"We need you to look this over as soon as possible" phill showed tony a computer thing? I'm guessing.

"Yikes" I chuckled as I knew what was gonna happen.

"I don't like being handed things"

"That's fine, because I love being handed things" pepper stepped in front of tony and took the folder, she handed me the drink and then handed tony the computer. "Don't mind if I do" I took a sip of the wine.

"Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday" Tony started, I cut him off.

"This isn't a consultation tony" I shook my head.

"Is this about the Avengers?" Phill and I raised an eyebrow, Tony must of told her. "Witch I know nothing about"

"The avengers initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify" tony started walking away opening the laptop.

"I didn't know that either" I chuckled at pepper.

"Yeah apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others" Tony walked up to his desk.

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