Chapter 92-getting the team back together

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Avengers facility

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Avengers facility.
3rd person.

"That was interesting." Elliott sighed as he stepped out of the shower in his and Natasha room. He only had on shorts with no t-shirt.

"First off Scott just reappears and then next thing you know he almost disappears again hours later." Elliott wiped his face dry.

"Put on a shirt." Natasha blushed lightly looking back to her computer.

"What? Why? Do I make you nervous?" Elliott grinning sitting next to her.

"No, but I do need to tell you something important." Her face immediately went serious.

Elliott changed his attitude as well. "Okay."

"We're getting the team Back together. And for that we need to get everyone." She started.

"So that means you found—"

"Clint. Yes. He's in Tokyo and I'm going to get him." Natasha confirmed.

Elliott nodded. "I'm coming with you."

Elliott stood up to get changed but was stoped by Natasha placing a hand on his shoulder. "No, I need to do this by myself. Please Elliott, I've known Clint longer, I'll get him to come back." Natasha pleaded.

Elliott sighed. "Okay. That's fine. I'll go with someone else then. I Hurd Bruce is gonna go get Thor?" Elliott changed into cargos pants and black combat boots with a black long sleeves and black combat vest.

"Yes we are!" Elliott turned around see a familiar raccoon standing by the door. "Banner told me to get you. Come on we need to get going." Rocket waved to Natasha before walking out of the room.

"Well, that answers my question." Elliott placed his hand on Natasha shoulder, he leaned down kissing her earlobe. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Love you!"

"Love you too." With that Elliott met up with banner and walked out of the facility.

They boarded onto Milano. Elliott strapped into one of the seats as they took off into the air, leaving the facility behind and heading to new Asgard.

"So, how ya been buddy?" Elliott asked Rocket.

"Well, all things considered it hasn't been to bad." Rocket looked over to Elliott. "You? How has it been since your wedding?"

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