Chapter 10-the wolves pack

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Before we get started with the first chapter of part two! I just wanna day thank you for 300+ reads! It may not be much but it is to me!! I hope y'all will enjoy this part! And if you could vote and comment!

Two years later

A lot can happen in two years, next thing I know I'm a S.H.I.L.E.D agent, so that's a lot of fun.

It's late at night in the S.H.I.E.l.D base.

"You know you don't need to wear sunglasses at night, right?" I yelled to Coulson over the sound of a helicopter landing.

"I know"

We are evacuating a S.H.I.E.l.D head quarters due to the tesseract going all haywire, in fact I still don't know what they want to do with it fully, I Hurd many different things about it.

The helicopter landed in front of me and Coulson, hill and fury stepped out. Hill who recently met about three weeks ago didn't seam all that bad.

Me and Coulson walked up to them. "How bad is it?" Fury asked.

Coulson finally removed his sunglasses. "Yeah that's the problem sir" Coulson started

"we don't know how bad it is" I finished for him.

Fury nodded as we made our way into the facility. "Thing went crazy, I never seen anything like it" I said pressing the button for the elevator.

We all stepped in. "The thing is, you don't know much" hill joked.

"Ouch that hurts" I said playfully placing my hand on my chest. We went down at full speed, it didn't take to long before we were in the hallway leading to the tesseract.

"Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the tesseract four hours ago" Coulson explained.

"NASA didn't authorize selvig to go to test phase" fury argued.

"Oh he wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in the room sir, it just turned itself on" I explained.

"Where are the energy levels no?"

"Climbing. When selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered evac"

"How long to get everyone out?" Fury asked.

"About a half hour" I answered.

"Do better" Fury ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah okay, Sure thing I can do that, we'll just turn into the flash then" fury glared at me before walking away.

"Let's go agent miller" Coulson ordered, me mad him walked to a few truck. "I'll get the equipment in, you try to find away to get everyone out faster, deal?" I told Coulson, he nodded and walked away.

I picked up a few boxes and loaded them into the truck.

Over the past two years I've grown, I'm better at what I do, and me and Natasha have only gotten closer, right now she's on a mission, they told me it was classified as I think all things are now.

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