Chapter 42-you know everyone

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Before we get started with this chapter, I just wanna send my prayers to Chadwick bosemen's family, and all my respect for the man, he was such a big inspiration for me and many other people around the world

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Before we get started with this chapter, I just wanna send my prayers to Chadwick bosemen's family, and all my respect for the man, he was such a big inspiration for me and many other people around the world.

Him being one of the main reasons I wanna be an actor, his legacy will live on forever, rest in power king🙏🏽


"Elliott!" I yelped as I jolted awake from the sound of my name being said. When I looked to where the sound came from I saw rica laughing on the rock. "You should of seen your face" she started walking backwards.

"Uh rica—" I couldn't warn her in time before her paws slipped off of the rock.

I jumped onto the rock walking over to see rica on her back. "So, how you doing down there" I said jokingly, a small smile on my face.

She rolled her eyes. "Ha, ha very funny Elliott"

"What! You scared me awake, take this as karma" I exclaimed.

Rica turned herself around so now she was on her stomach. "Your mean" she whimpered, looking away from me.

"Hay, no I'm sorry I didn't—"

"Ha! You fell for it!" She jumped up laughing at me.

My mouth fell open. "Wow, okay I'll give it to you, good one"

"Oh man that was amazing! I wish I was able to record that!" Rica jumped around the room, her tail wagging in fast motion. I rolled my eyes.

"Guy's!" A new voice said from the doorway. I looked over seeing Natasha, who didn't seam to happy. I shifted back into my human form. "Hay nat"

"Hay miss Natasha!" Rica said loudly as she shifted into her human form.

"Rica" Natasha said harshly, her green eyes piercing Rica's amber colored eyes. Rica was taken back by the harsh tone, so was I. "Uh, w-what happened?" Rica questioned quietly.

"The team needs y'all, or if you're going to be to busy then I understand" Natasha looked straight at me, I think I know what's happening. I looked over to rica. "Go meet the team, We'll join you in a few" I told rica, she nodded to me before walking past Natasha quickly.

"Everything alright" I asked as I walked up to Natasha. She rolled her eyes at me looking away. "How about you go with rica? Seams like you two hit it off quickly" oh that's what happened, she's jealous.

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