Chapter 15-the howl

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S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier

The ground rumbled, it shook with a violent force, my head was killing me.

I must of hit my head on the way down, who knows how hard I landed. A roar echoed across the helicarrier. "Damnit! No" I groaned as I realized what was happening. The hulk was unleashed.

I shifted into my wolf, it hurt like hell to shift.

I picked up Natasha's sent, she wasn't to far away from me.

"Come on!" I shook the pain out of my leg and started to run down the halls, Metal bares and other components to the carrier.

My ears twitched as the sound of glass braking was close by.

I ran, I needed to get there before he could hurt Natasha.

I turned a corner and saw Natasha running from the hulk, he easily caught up to her. "Natasha!" I could only watch as his hand made contact with her, she got flung into a wall.

He stopped in front of her. I quickly jumped in between them. "Bruce stop! You know us, we're on the same side!"

He didn't listen as expected. I growled loudly, Natasha already seams hurt.

I jumped onto him, clawing at his arms a face. "Stupid dog!" I Hurd the hulk yell.

His hand grabbed onto me, throwing me to the floor.

"You wanna play rough, let's go!" I put as
Much strength into what I was about to do. I jumped of a wall and then onto the hulk. I bit down into his neck trying to pull him down with me.

My claws dug into his shoulders causing him to get even madder. He fell back onto the floor, crushing me in between. "Mother fu—" I couldn't finish my sentence before I was flung into the wall, I really hope nothing is broken.

Hulk turned to met me, I stood ready to fight again, I can't let him hurt Natasha or anyone else in This carrier.

I Hurd a noise to my right, I saw Thor fly into the room tackling the hulk into a different room. I sighed in relief.

I immediately turned to Natasha, I ran to her and nuzzled her neck. "You okay" asked sitting in front of her. She only nodded, she was shaken up.

My ears fell flat on my head, a small wine left my mouth as I put my paw onto her leg. Her hand reached up to me, she rubbed the side of my face.

I licked her cheek to comfort her. "Your okay, I'm here, nothing will happen when I'm here" I said quietly, she was shaking pretty bad.

I leaned my body into her, placing my head on her shoulder. She leaned into me, he head in the crook of my neck. My fur was drenched in sweat.

"It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy" fury's voices came onto the comms.

I pulled away from Natasha and noticed the look on her face instantly. I nodded, she would be able to handle this. "This is agent Romanoff. I copy"

"Go get em widow" I nuzzled her one more time before letting her stand up.

"I'll get to fury, make sure their good, you better come back" she nodded before running away.

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