Chapter 39-party time!

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The next day

Elliott stood in his shared room with Natasha, contemplating wether he should go the the party looking like he just woke up on a Sunday morning or if he should actually change into something nice.

"Need some help?" A voice said behind Elliott, he smiled as he Hurd Natasha's soft voice.

Elliott turned around holding up two suits, on maroon and one white. "Witch on should I wear?"

Natasha placed placed her hand on her chin, giving it some thought. "How about the white one, I'm wearing white to the party" Elliott nodded, he placed the maroon suit away. "We can match" Elliott pecked Natasha on the cheek before he left to the restroom to get ready. Natasha doesn't know how she got so lucky to have someone who doesn't just see her for her body, but for who she actually is.

Natasha took her time to get ready, putting on a white shirt and and a black skirt, with black high heels.

"So how do I look?" Elliott stepped out of the restroom, Natasha grinned seductively. "Like the hottest summer day" she walked up to him placing her arms around his neck. "You look fantastic as well red" she pulled him into a rough kiss.

It only lasted about fifteen seconds, someone cleared their throat behind the two from their door. They pulled away to look who made the noise. There stood a blushing rica. "Uh, S-Steve wanted me to tell you the guest are here" she stammered.

Elliott gave her a polite smile. "Thank you rica"

"I'll see you at the party, alpha" Natasha winked at Elliott before walking past rica, and into the hallway.

Elliott noticed rica had changed into a black and white dress, almost looking like a 1940's girl. "I see shopping went good"

She looked away embarrassed. "Does it look bad?"

Elliott shook his head. "No, it suits you. But you can tell cap picked it out" Elliott chuckled.

"He said it matched my eyes, I Uh, just went with it" rica was never treated like a human before, so actually being supported was, refreshing for the young shifter. "He also said it fits with my wolf side"

Elliott snapped his fingers pointing at her. "That reminds me, I got you something to help with the shifting" Elliott walked over to his desk picking up the same device he has behind his ear.

He walked back over to her showing the little Device, he placed it carefully behind her ear. "There you go" he stepped back patting her on the shoulder. "Welcome to the club" Elliott joked.

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