Chapter 32-he's not dead!

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The back of a S

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The back of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Van

My eyes stayed fixated on Natasha, she looked pale, I probably looked as bad as her but I don't care about myself at this point, only her.

"It was him" I finally looked away from her, Steve sat in front of us, his gilt ridden face, a lot is probably going through his head right now, seeing someone you thought was dead is not easy to digest.
"He looked right at me like he didn't even know me"

Sam spoke up from my left side. "How's that even possible? It was, like, 70 years ago" Sam questioned.

"Zola, Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. What ever his did helped Bucky survive the fall, they must of found him and..." Steve said quietly.

"None of that's your fault Steve" Natasha spoke for the first time we were in here, her voice not having much into it, the loss of blood kicking in.

"They used Cryo-freezing Chambers, they put us to sleep until they needed us, we don't age when we're in there" I explained groggily, the lightheadedness from blood loss making everything spin, it felt like I was going to vomit up all my organs.

"Even when I had nothing I had Bucky" Steve mumbled. 

Sam turned his head towards me and Natasha, noticing the blood going down Natasha and my shoulder, if I wasn't enhanced i probably would of been dead by now from my 3 gunshot wounds. Sam turned back to the guards. "We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on their wounds, their gonna bleed out here in the truck—" Sam was cut off by the guard starting up it's electrical baton.

"Good try man" I thanked Sam.

What took place next surprised the hell out of me, that same guard plunged the baton into the others guards chest then kicking him in the head nocking him out. "Well I'll be damned" how did I not notice the persons sent.

When the guard removed its helmet, it was none other then Maria hill. "Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain"

Maria looked between me and Steve, I'm guessing she doesn't know about Sam, and i also noticed a shift in Sam, dose he like her? Oh this'll be fun.

"Who's this guy?"

I shrugged. "A turtle" she didn't look to amused. "Okay forget I said that, just please take off this damn collar and get us outa here"

Undisclosed area
A water dam

"GSW. They've lost at least a pint" hill yelled loudly.

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