Chapter 80-Old friends

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3rd person

Elliott calmly walked through the halls of the palace next to Natasha, the others were in front of them as they were on the way to Shuri's lab.

"You know, I'm glad you got ended up here for your recovery." Natasha said quietly to Elliott as she grabbed onto his hand.

"It was a good place to lay low, it allowed my mind to rest." Elliott squeezed Natasha hand reassuringly, a small smile on his lips as he looked around the familiar palace.

"Will you ever forgive Tony?" Natasha hesitantly asked.

Elliott sighed softly. "To be honest, I want to. But I don't know. Would you forgive someone for nearly killing you?"

Natasha slightly smirked. "Depends who nearly did it. I just think maybe you should give it a thought."

Elliott looked ahead, another probably was when he was under hydra, tony figured it out, he saw Elliott kill his family. "Would tony forgive me?"

"I'm sure he's old enough to know that it wasn't you who did it. I'm sure he'll come around."

"Thank you, nat." Elliott was so grateful to have her by his side. "For everything."

Seconds later the group walked into the lab, a familiar Princess standing in the middle of the room.  The room was set up to start her work with vision. "Shuri." T'challa called out causing her to look over at them.

"Brother." Shuri smiled at him. She then looked over to Elliott. "Miller." And then her eyes landed on Natasha, she smiled softly looking at the two. "Miss romanoff, it's good to finally meet you, Elliott always talked about you."

Elliott let go of Natasha hand and walked up to Shuri, playfully pushing her shoulder. "Shut it." He chuckled. Elliott moved out of the way showing an injured vision. "Please, we need your help."

Shuri nodded. "I got it. Let's get him on the table." With the help of Elliott and Steve they got vision onto the table without putting him in more pain.

After they set him down Elliott walked over to Natasha to let Shuri do her work. Steve moved over next to one of the many windows in the room.

Shuri walked over to on of her tables getting a flat Circular device and turning it on, a few lines of light appeared as she went over visions head scanning the stone and possibly finding a way to remove it. Soon a holographic model formed in Shuri's hand.

"Wow." Elliott said in amazement at what he saw in front of him.

"The structure is polymorphic." Shuri stated.

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