Chapter 52-guilt

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Avengers facility Elliott's POV

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Avengers facility
Elliott's POV

"I'm not going to act like I didn't say I was right!" Rica yelled at me. She was upset about what happened in Lagos. "I told you she wasn't ready, and what do you do? You take her on a mission!"

"She is ready, actually she was more then ready. How do you not see that?" I questioned stepping around her.

"Don't get me wrong, she's powerful. And I love her so I want the best for her" rica stepped in front of me stoping me in my tracks. "You know how she's been ever since Pietro died?" She glared into my eyes, so mad just one glance can kill a person. "Broken. She's still hurting, and you and Steve had the bright idea to bring her with y'all. Dad, I'm sorry but that's just stupid"

"Is that why you didn't go?" I asked her.

She nodded sadly. "Yes, I knew if I went it would of clouded my judgement, and she already told me while CRYING IN MY ARMS! THAT SHE WAS SCARED!" I winced at how loud her voice was.

"I know what we do for people, and I love that we are able to help them. Hell you helped me, ever since you signed those adoption papers. But everywhere we go we end up getting more people hurt or even worse killed. I can't deal with that no more dad. Something needs to be done" rica turned on her heels, walking away from me in a very annoyed manner, entertaining another room.

I sighed placing my hands on my hips. "God she's a handful" I complained. But I made a promise when I adopted her, be the best parent I could be.

"Is miss Sinclair angry at you mr. Miller?" Vision appeared out of no where scarring the hell out of me, causing me to Jump in surprise.

"Damnit vision! I thought Wanda and rica talked to you about this" I placed my hand over my chest trying to catch my breath. "Sorry sir"

"It's fine, any reason your here?"

Vision nodded. "Yes, mr Stark has a guest over"

"Who would be over at this time?" I questioned.

"The Secretary of State" vision said in his normal monotone voice, walking away from me.

"Okay. I'll be there" I sighed, I have a suspicion about what's about to happen, and I'm not gonna like it.

I made my way to the meeting room in the facility, everyone was already there. Tony sat farther in the back. Rica was with Wanda.

I took my seat in the middle of Natasha and Steve. Secretary Ross standing in the edge of the table, a large glass screen behind him.

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