Chapter 57-Regrets

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Random warehouse3rd person

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Random warehouse
3rd person

"Steve! What the hell happened to Miller?" Sam question loudly as he stepped into the warehouse, the gray metal walls surrounding them.

"I-I don't know, what ever that guy said triggered something in him. Along with Bucky." Steve sighed looking down at his wolf friend who was chained to a metal poll, Bucky was a few feet away, his metal hand stuck.

"I know Miller worked with hydra but, trigger words? I didn't think he was in the same state." Sam shook his head in disbelief.

"Now the government is gonna be looking for him as well, I don't think we'll get out of this easily" Steve's head turned to Elliott as he shifted around on the floor uncomfortably, his eyes shooting open. "What the hell!" Elliott yelled trying to move forward but was stopped by the chain.

"Elliott? Is that you?" Steve questioned.

Elliott looked at Steve as if was stupid. "Yes it's me, who else would I be?"

Elliott realized what happened when he saw steve and Sam's face. "Oh no, I-I turned didn't I?" Steve and Sam both nodded.

"Please tell me I didn't hurt anyone" Elliott pleaded but when he got no response from the two he already knew what happened. "Oh god, who did I hurt?"

Steve hesitated before responding. "Rica, but she's okay, just a few scratches"

Elliott shook his head. "She's never gonna forgive me" Elliott's eyes looked to the ground in disappointment, how could he let this happen.

"Don't worry, she'll come through" Sam trying his best to lift Elliott's spirits, he walked over to his and took off the collar allowing Elliott to shift without a problem.

When Elliott was back in human form he didn't look all that good, his face bruised and cut up. "Where's Bucky?"

Steve pointed to Bucky. "Damn man, no ones gonna forgive me or him, I can't believe this happened" Elliott rubbed down his face.

"I'm sorry" Elliott sighed, mumbling the words, he hurt rica, and now he thinks she might hate him, what if Natasha does too?

"Don't worry, but you good?" Sam patted Elliott on the shoulder.

Elliott nodded. "Head hurts but I'm fine"

Steve walked away from the two, looking out to make sure they were clear, that was until Bucky started to move around, walking up. "Hay cap!" Sam called out to steve.

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