Chapter 76-A new style

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"Steve! We're's the damn rubbing alcohol!?" Elliott walked into the kitchen of the small motel, the kitchen wasn't that big but it did well in allowing them to make food.

There were two rooms so normally Elliott and Natasha shared one while Steve and sam shared the other.

"I don't know Elliott, why do you need it anyway?" Steve chuckled as he turned to the shifter.

"I ended up cutting myself when I was out." Elliott, Sam and Steve all grew some kind of beard during their time in the run.

"Your enhanced Miller, you don't need it." Elliott rolled his eyes as he fell onto the couch groaning.

"Why are you In such a rush anyways? You've been like this ever since we left Canada." Steve pulled out a chair sitting a few feet away from Elliott.

"Hay, when are Natasha and Sam coming back?" Elliott tried to change the subject but he wasn't successful.

"Elliott, I've known you for seven years now, you can tell me anything man, we're friends." Steve smiled at him.

Elliott rolled his eyes. "I'm just. . . Thinking I guess, about what happened in jasper, I don't know why, we won, but I still feel like I somehow lost."

"Steve I've been having nightmares again, and panic attacks."

Steve's eyes softened. "Why didn't you tell any of use, you should of told Natasha as soon as it started."

Their situation required them to focus fully on their on the run part of life on, and Elliott knew if people  worry about him, they might get hurt because of him. "Steve, we've been through so much haven't we? This isn't as different, look I don't want Natasha or Sam to worry about me, even rica but she's off with Wanda somewhere."

Steve sighed looking down at the floor. "From what you told about what happened in jasper, I'm sorry Elliott, no one should have to go through that."

Elliott shook his head. "No, it's not you fault, it was the accords that caused it."

The door to the motel creaked open taking the two enhanced soldiers away from their conversation. Sam and Natasha walked in with a few bags in their hands. "Whoa looks like things got serious when we were gone! Ya know what that calls for right now a good omelette." Sam joked walking over to the kitchen setting down everything.

"We got what we could, it should last us a few days." Natasha placed most of the bags down in the kitchen, she held onto one bag that Elliott picked up the sent of hair products.

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