Chapter 19-the Forest

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Elliott's apartment
Elliott's POV

I woke up to the smell of sweat Bacon and eggs, a nice aroma.

The first thing I noticed was that there was no weight on my chest meaning Natasha had gotten up.

I opened my eyes, the light coming from one of my windows was straight in my eyes causing me to flinch. I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes.

I yawned, stretching my sore muscles.

"Well the wolf is awake" I Hurd Natasha giggle from
The kitchen. That's a first.

"I decided to make breakfast, hope you don't mind" I stood up walking to the little kitchen.

"Oh no it's completely fine, I didn't know you knew you know to cook" I joked. I sat down on the small table.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me" she turned around with two plates in her hand. She set down a plate in front of me before she sat next to me with hers.

It was a plate of bacon, eggs, and two pancakes. "Doesn't look half bad" I took a bite of the pancakes, it had to be one of the best homemade pancakes I've ever had. "And there very good"

Natasha shook her head, a small smile on her face.

We finished the food pretty quickly, saying as we only had popcorn and chips yesterday night.

"That was the first I've had no nightmares, thanks nat" I stood up the put the plate in the sink. "Told you It was a good idea for me to say"

"When did you wake up?" I grabbed her empty plate placing it in the sink.

"About two hours ago" I walked back to the table and sat next to her.

"Let me guess, you wanted me to get some sleep" that's been a main trend with her and Clint.

She sent me an innocent smile.

I shook my head chuckling. I stopped and looked back to her with a serious face. "You know you don't need to help me. Right?"

"I know, but I want to help, and there's nothing you can say to change my mind" I don't know how I got so lucky to have a friend like her.

"And I don't plan on changing your mind, who knows what we'll run into out there"

I now know why family came from around jasper park, I had asked Bruce to run some blood test, to see if he could pin point my family tree.

Another part of the little experiment was that we found out that I was born with this wolf gene, it's been there all along, hydra just found a way to advance the gene, making me 5 times stronger then the normal wolf.

Knowing I wasn't a mistake of science kinda helps me not bad.

Hay at least cold nights aren't to bad.

Agents ran around the Triskelion as the quinjet landed on one of the helipads.

"So Elliott, What's your strategy?" Fury asked walking with me and Natasha onto the helipad.

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