Chapter 25-remember that date?

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Washington DC hospitalELLIOTT'S POV

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Washington DC hospital

"Your all clear to go Mr. Miller, just take it easy on the physical contact" my doctor sean Alexander said.

"No promises man, I'll probably be back her next week" I joked pulling on my T-shirt. The burns weren't to bad, only second degree, still really damn painful. They had wrapped them with some kind of bandages to make it heal faster, even with enhanced healing it'll take about 4 days to fully heal.

"I bet, you should calm down for a little while son, it'll be the best for you" he put away his clipboard.

I chuckled as I stood up. "Thank you sir, I'll see
You next week" I shook his hand before leaving the room.

I feel bad about what I did to cap, I'm not one to lie to people, Natasha she's different she doesn't really care, one of my favorite thing about her.

I stepped out of the building and into my Dodge Challenger.

I texted steve and asked where he was, he was meeting sam at the VA.

I pulled up to the VA pretty quickly, I parked my car and stepped out.

Once I entered the VA I saw a group of people sitting down in a circle, Sam at the front of them.

Steve was standing by the entrance. "Hay man" I walked up to him shaking his hand.

I guess I got here at the end of it as everybody stood up and started to walk out.

Sam shook a few of there hands before turning to us. "Well if it isn't the running man and his wolf buddy" Sam joked, fixing a few papers.

"Caught the last few minutes. It's pretty intense" Steve said as we walked up to him.

"I just got here so..."

Sam nodded to me before looking at Steve. "Yeah, brother, we all got the same problems...guilt, regret"

I sighed sadly. "I know that feeling, it sucks"

"You lose someone?" Steve asked Sam, I kinda know what he's going to say.

He nodded his head. "My wingman, Riley. Flying a night mission, standard PJ rescue op. Nothing we haven't done 1,000 times, until an RPG knocked Riley's dumbass out of the sky" Sam took a moment before speaking again. "Nothing I could do, it's like I was up there just to watch"

"I'm sorry" steve said quietly.

"if it makes it any better, I went through almost the same thing, except with my parents" I tried to comfort him.

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