Chapter 97-Reverse

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Chapter 9-My memories are horrible

Natasha watched Elliott walk away, heading to the locker room. She stepped out of the sparing ring and stood next to Clint.

She got worried about Elliott, she doesn't worry to much, or she tries to suppress her emotions and feelings, the red room took most of her normal away.

"He's a cool kid, I can see why you like him." Clint grinned patting Natasha on her shoulder, she rolled her eyes. "I don't"

Clint shook his head. "What ever you say, I haven't seen that spark in your eyes since...well since Budapest."

Natasha turned to face Clint her arms crossed, he face was blank. "Clint, Do you want to be in the infirmary for the next week?"

Clint let out a low chuckle. "No I would like to be alive for the next few years, nat."

Present day: 2023
Avengers facility.
3rd person.

The day that fell upon the avengers was a sorrowful and painful day, even if everyone got back to work to try and fix the problems at hand, everyone was broken.

Natasha Stayed right next to Clint the entire time, afraid to be left alone with her mind, the fear and regret she felt.

How was she going to tell Rica? The girl has already been through enough pain in her years alive on this planet.

"Do you remember the first day Elliott came over to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Clint asked the redhead as they made their way to the lab where everyone was in. The two were in the combat suits.

"Yeah, I do remember. He was kinda shy, we beat him up pretty good. And you teased me about liking him." Natasha smiled at the memory of their first time training. She would give up so much just to go back to that day.

"It was also the first day I got this picture." Clint pulled out a picture from his pocket handing it to Natasha. "It was you two holding hands."

Natasha looked intently at the picture, it was her and Elliott, like Clint said the two were holding hands. She remembers what happened after. Elliott ended up chasing Clint around the forest, ripping his shirt in the process. "You still deserved to have your shirt destroyed for spying on us." Natasha put the picture into her pocket.

"What can I say, I'm a spy." Even with the calm happy tone, their was still a hint of pain in both of their voices.

The two pushed open the door to the lab, Rocket was getting the glove ready. Natasha's heart pained as she saw the orange glow from the soul stone.

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