Chapter 93-time machine test

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Avengers facility

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Avengers facility.
3rd person.

Elliott walked through the halls making his way over past the large time machine, they've spent a good day Or two building it.

Elliott wasn't much help but at least he was useful to bring tools and anything else the team needed while he watched the smart people get to work.

Elliott is smart when it comes to fighting, but when it comes to technology or in this case building something. He isn't to bright in that.

The calm before the storm is what he kept running through his head, who knows if this whole plan will backfire or actually be useful.

"Yo, what we got here. Nice time travel suit." Elliott walked into a room where nebula and Bruce we're setting up the suit on Scott.

"Time travel suit, not bad." Rhodey walked in right after Elliott. "Hay, Miller." Rhodes and Miller fist bumped.

Bruce tried to put in some kind of red liquid in a container that was the size of a battery into the time travel suit. Scot snapped lowering the face mask. "Hey, hey! Easy! Easy."

"I'm being vary careful." Bruce reassured him.

"No, your being very hulky." Scott shot back.

"I'm being careful." Bruce argued.

"These are pym particles, all right? And ever since hank pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more." Elliott chuckled as he and Rhodey tried to calm the man.

"Sorry." Scott apologized. "We've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Elliott noticed his hand moved to put in the pym particles. But his hearing picked up on a mechanical failure in the suit. "Scott wait—"

It was to late, Scott put the particles in and disappeared with a yell, he reappeared a second later. "One test run."

Rhodey sighed annoyed from beside Elliott. "All right. I'm not ready for this."

"I'm game." Elliott hasn't heard that voice in years. Elliott turned around to see Clint leaning onto the door frame. "I'll do it."

Elliott nodded to the man. "Been awhile hasn't it?"

"Sure has." Clint walked over shaking Elliott hand, Clint stopped as soon as he noticed the ring. "Sorry I couldn't make the wedding."

"It's all good." Elliott patted him on the back letting him pass by.

Bruce helped Clint get into the suit pretty quickly. Elliott stayed back and watched as they explained the basics to Clint.

That was until Rhodey brought up a interesting topic. "Wait a second. Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know. . . Go back in time, why don't we just find baby thanos? You know, and. . ." Rhodes made a tying motion and then made one when it looked like he was strangling something.

"First of all, that's horrible."

"It's thanos."

Elliott let out a deep chuckle. "Oh, but also time doesn't work like that. If you change the past it won't change the future."

"How do you know that?" Rhodes questioned.

"Look, we go back, we get the stones before thanos gets them. Thanos doesn't have the stones. Problem solved." Scott spoke up from behind Elliott.

"Bingo." Clint chimes in.

"That's not how it works." Nebula said in her usual dark tone.

"Well, that's what I heard." Clint argued.

"Wait, but who? Who told you that?" Bruce questioned.

"Star Trek, terminator, timecop, time after time."

"Quantum leap."

"Wrinkle in time, somewhere in time."

"Hot tub time machine."

"Hot tub time machine. Bill and teds excellent adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel." Rhodey exclaimed loudly.

"Die hard. No that's not one."

"This is known!" Rhodes argued.

"First off why the hell does everyone believe that?" Elliott rubbed down his face. "To put it in terms that you could understand, if you go back in the past, that past becomes you future."

"An your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future." Bruce continued for Elliott.

"Exactly." Nebula conformed.

"Wait okay I understand when Bruce says it, but you?" Rhodey pointed at Elliott. "When did you learn this?"

Elliott nodded towards Bruce. "He and tony made me take a class on quantum physics. After I lost a bet." Elliott explained.

"So, back to the future is a bunch of bullshit?" Scott question, slightly sad about it.

"Sorry to say but yes." Elliott chuckled.

"Alright, let's get the test on the way." Bruce called out leading everyone out of the room and into the large hanger or Storage room.

Clint stepped onto the platform. "All right Clint, three, two one." Bruce pushed down on the button and Clint disappeared.

Natasha walked up to Elliott and hugged his arm as they waited in anticipation. 10 seconds felt like forever but Clint so reappeared, he let out a low yell as he was fell to the ground on his knees. "Shit, Clint!" Elliott and Natasha both ran forward to their friend.

"Hey. Hey, look at me. You okay?" Elliott and Natasha picked him up carefully.

"Yeah. Yeah." Clint panted heavily. "It worked." He looked from Natasha to Elliott holding up a baseball glove. "It worked." Clint tossed the glove to Tony.

"Good job man." Elliott pat Clint's back.

Clint smiled slightly at the man. "Thanks Miller." Elliott and Natasha let him go as Clint was now able to walk away without a problem.

"Well." Elliott turned to Natasha. "Looks like we got a chance to bring back our family." Elliott smiled pulling her into a sweet kiss.

"Uh, not in front of me, thanks." Elliott and Natasha pulled away to see Scott standing a few feet away with orange slices in his hand.

Elliott rolled his eyes. "Let's go. It's time to solve the damn puzzle."

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