Chapter 41-files

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A/N: As i kinda predicted, Wanda was chosen! So she'll be Rica's love interest

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A/N: As i kinda predicted, Wanda was chosen! So she'll be Rica's love interest. Also in this chapter, get to learn more about rica, and Elliott will start to be more of that father figure to her! I hope y'all enjoy!


All of the avengers were standing in the robotics lab, a somber mood on everyone's faces. In particular Rica was still scared as she stood close to Steve.

Natasha had decided to change into something more comfortable, a black shirt, leggings and a gray jacket. Most of everyone else was still in there party clothes.

Rhodes stood beside me, as I was leaning against a long metal table, Natasha checking a few things on a table.

"All our work is gone" Bruce choked out. "Ultron cleared out. He used the internet as an escape hatch"

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance" Natasha turned around from her tablet to look at the ground, leaning against the same table as me, her arms crossed under her chest.

"Damn thing probably knows more about us then we know of each other. And you know how many things I tried to keep secret" I picked my hand up pointing at Natasha. She nodded in agreement.

"He's I'm your files, he's in the internet" Rhodes got off the table walking forward into the middle of the room. "What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"


"Nuclear codes" Maria glared at me. "Oh that's what he meant. . ." I nodded sheepishly. "Well in that case we should make some calls. if we still can"

"Nukes? He said he wanted us dead" Natasha said. "Not the first time someone has wanted us dead" I groaned as I stood up straight.

"He didn't say 'dead' he said 'extinct'" Steve finally spoke up from the other side of the room. Clint stepped forward. "He also said he killed somebody"

Rica's face went from scared to mad in an instant. "Dead? Why? And also I'm not gonna act like I was just chilling in a forest until I got brought into this mess!" She yelled at me.

"Rica please call down" I raised my hand for her to stop.

"Calm down? You want me to call down after we almost just died? Ultron killed someone and we could of been next" she pointed to everyone in the room. "Rica" Steve placed a hand on her shoulder, her expression softened at his touch.

"I don't understand, there wasn't anyone else in the building" hill questioned. "Yes, there was" tony walked forward with Remote in his hand, he clicked something on it. A orang hologram came up in front of us, it was all mangled, it was scattered around the place, Jarvis was destroyed. "Whoa" I stepped closer the orange hologram, Natasha staying close by.

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