Chapter 1 - Return of the Bird

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It has been a year sinse Joker has last seen Phoenix. He kept on thinking about him and he is constantly asking Hacchi on when will he come back. Hacchis same answer was You keep asking me that. Dont you think you miss him to much? Oh Joker-san misses him. Joker would always reply with I just want my spaceship back.
One faithful day, Joker heard a knock on his door. When he opened it, he saw the person he has been waiting for his whole life. "Hey Joker. Nice to see you again." Phoenix exclaimed. Joker zoomed passed Phoenix towards his ship. "Mah baby~ I misss you! Did he hurt u?" Joker said as he comforted his spaceship. Suddenly a circular figure emerged. "Oh no." Joker said. "HOSSHI!" the space cat exclaimed as it jumped on Joker. "OFFF ME. GOGOOGOGO AWAY!" Joker yellep. Suddenly something was near his legs. "Wwaaa." Joker said as a similar figure of Hosshi but had a shade of brown. Its star outline was yellow and it started snuggling on Joker. "Waaahhh! Why is there TWO OF YOU!" he yelped. The brown hosshi jumped on Joker as well. "Hossho" it said. "Aww Hosshi found a soulmate!" Hacchi exclaimed ashe watched his master running for his life as Hosshi and Hossho chased after him. Phoenix giggled at the sight and how much he missed his friends. "Waaaaaa-" Joker said as he jumped on Phoenix. "TAKE EM AWAY FROM MEEEEE!" He said. Phoenix blushed as Joker held ever so tight to him. "Acrux. Take ur husband to the kitchen. I believe Haicchi has Kompeito?" Phoenix said as he carried Joker to a 'safe' place. "Sure thing Phoenix-san. Lets go Hosshi and Hossho." The little chef exclaimed. As Phoenix carried Joker, the little trickster nuzzled his head on Phoenix as he whispered. "Thank you." "Ffor what?" The blushing bird asked. "For coming back. Im happy that I have company now." Joker said smiling. Phoenix smiled as well. "I guess its oaky if I stay here then." He asked. Joker hugged Phoenix tighter. "My room is of limits. To you and ESPECIALLY the space cat!" He said as he jumped off Phoenix as he landed on the sofa. "So I can stay?" The bird asked. "Yah yah. The ship already stays here anyways so I guess I could be conciderate." Joker said. "And because Hacchi has been annoying so a change of person atmosphere is nice." He said as he turned on the TV. Phoenix sat beside him as they waited for their Dinner to be served.

Walaaaaa~ i started making this one too.

Read mah other book :

The love of a Phantom Thief
- its a Joker x Spade book so check it out.

- Author

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