Happy Dance

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Pairing: Arno Dorian
Warning: it's very short but sweet
Note: N/A
Requested by: no one

"Happy, happy, happy," Y/n hummed, skipping around the room. "Happy, happy, happy."

Arno smiled, watching his daughter prance around with her stuffed bunny in her arms. Times like this allowed Arno to relax and enjoy being a father. It gave him a sense of normality, a sense he wished he can get more often.

"Daddy!" Arno blinked, watching Y/n crawl into his lap.

"Hello, Y/n." Y/n grinned at Arno, squishing his cheeks together.

"I love you!"

Arno's heart soared and he gathered Y/n in his arms, tightly hugging her.

"I love you too, Y/n. Always and forever. To the moon and stars and back again."

I feel like I can do a happy dance myself right now. I mentioned before that I got into a college (two actually) and this morning, I saw an email from another college telling me I got in.

It was my top choice college and I literally started screaming. The first person I called was my mom (I've never heard her scream so loudly over the phone) then I texted a screenshot of the email to my dad.

I've been blessed after being on the waitlist for four months.

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