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Pairing: so, the pairing is kinda confusing??? Like, it's Edward and Mary but they're not together in any shape or form????
Warning: spoilers to AC: Black Flag
Note: I honestly almost forgot about this request until I was like: "Oh hey. I need to write something for Wattpad".
Requested by: Kopowerbomb88

"Find her and get out."

The last words Mary had said to Edward before her death.

There were a lot of deaths and a lot of guards to get through but he made it.

Little Y/n Read. A few months old and already an orphan.

"Easy, little one," said Edward, balancing the baby girl in his arms. "I gotcha. I gotcha. You're not alone anymore."

Ducking and rolling to the side, Y/n clashed her wooden stick against Haytham's with a scowl

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Ducking and rolling to the side, Y/n clashed her wooden stick against Haytham's with a scowl.

"Give up, Kenway! You're no match for me!"

"No, you give up!"


Edward chuckled from his position, watching the two children roll around the grass.


"No, you!"

Edward got up from his position, grasping the children's shoulders.

"Easy, both of you. Remember, this is just practice. We can continue this tomorrow."

A collective groan and protesting caused Edward to chuckle again.

"Back inside, you two. Wash up and join your mother for supper."

Haytham shoved Y/n to get a head start causing the girl to scowl. Before she could chase after hin, Edward grasped her arm.

"Actually, I need to talk to you for a moment." Y/n frowned before letting Edward take her to his office.

Digging through his desk, Edward pulled out an old, worn journal.

"Is that yours?" Y/n asked, tilting her head to the side. "From your pirate days?" Edward shrugged.

"More or less," he said. "It actually belonged to an old, old friend of mine before it came into my possession. I want you to have it. Before you do, I need to explain some things to you."

To my dearest daughter, Y/n,

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To my dearest daughter, Y/n,

If you are reading this, then it means Edward has found you and taken you to safety. I pray that he's raised you well and into a fine young lady. 

I understand it was a shock. To learn that Edward isn't your father and that you were raised by an old friend of mine instead of me. I'm sure Edward has told you happened to me after he took you. 

Pirate life is difficult, Y/n. It's not all fun and games and boarding ships. 

If Anne Bonney (or Aunt Anne, I would say) is still around, you can ask her more about me. If not, then listen to all the stories Edward has about me. You can ask Adewale if you'd like. Well, that is, if Edward can get into contact with the man. Lord knows Edward can be a klutz. 

Never mind about that. The point is, I want you to be proud. Not because of me, because of far you've come. Surely Edward's told you about the world of assassins and Templars, yes? Surely he's training you? 

The choice is yours, Y/n. Whether you want to follow my footsteps or take a step away from it. I'm sure Edward will understand if you choose to step away from it, but just in case; keep training. I don't want you to get hurt and I'm sure Edward doesn't either. 

This is a farewell then, Y/n. Until we meet again whether it is in heaven or in hell. 


Mary Read. 

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