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Ethan wants to scream at Odette, or maybe at himself. He's hurt, frightened, and frustrated. He doesn't want to call Drew, Lindsay, nor Odette's family. For the first time, he truly wishes Betsy were alive and not just for the sake of Odette.

Ethan doesn't know what to do, he doesn't want to force her into a psychological evaluation. He knows that's one of her biggest fears, and he may never get her back from that.

He is angry with himself, he knows that he can't control Odette or her actions, and he doesn't want to. But when she said "Shouldn't you be at work?" as if she didn't expect him to immediately come to her in her time of needs, made him feel like a failure. He just didn't know how to get through to her. He didn't know what to did anymore.

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