Breathtaking Moments of Beauty in the Beach Breeze.

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Ethan was sitting on the beach next to Adam, he had been saying something but he stopped mid-sentence. Odette was standing in a dark grey dress and barefeet. Her dark hair was blowing around her face and she was eating a cherry popsicle. He watched her gracefully, and lightly without caution walk ontop the rigged rocks. She was beautiful.

It was a cold day and it looked as if it would begin to rain at any moment, it seemed as though they had been transported to a beach on the east coast instead of the west coast one they were on. Odette felt the wet beads of ocean water as they littered her skin, it reminded her of Ethan's roaming hands and constant kisses. It was pleasant, like making love to nature. She had been feeling very positive and at one with the universe lately. She licked her lips and tasted a saccharine false fruit flavor and the salt from the sea.

Ethan wasn't sure what was so perfect about this moment, Odette standing with one foot perched above a rock, ready to step down, with her hair and clothing billowing, the waves crashing down behind her; and a popsicle in front of her open red stained mouth. He snapped a secret picture on his phone. He thought it may be the clashing archetypes of femininity that she currently personified. She looked innocent, almost like a child and not lost in thought or weighed down by her often unbearable sadness. Yet she was sexy, with her obvious beauty and the blatantly phallic treat.

She turned on her toes and climbed higher on the rocks. Ethan couldn't explain it, but that action alone, made him love her even more. He watched as she danced higher and higher with the confidence of someone who had never fallen. Ethan hoped that some of the tenacity that she so embodied would rub off on him. She was amazingly strong, having never given up even when the adversities seemed impossible to overcome.

He was proud of her, proud to be with her. He simultaneously wanted to keep her all to himself and share her glory with the world. He decided right then, that as soon as Fear Nights went on hiatus, he would take her to finally meet his family. He wanted Odette forever, and he wanted her to be aware of it.

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