Rest (Tom)

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A/N: I think I'm gonna try writing in different people, from now on it will be a mixture of 1st-3rd person. Hopefully it makes the stories feel a little more smooth sounding and personal, instead of the rigid screenplay likeness the previous stories may have been like.

I woke up quite early in the morning to hear footstep running out of the room. Obviously, it was Tom, there was no one else in the house, except Bobby, but he's a dog. I quickly got out of the bed and followed him as he ran to the... bathroom?

Oh my poor baby...

He was hunched over the toilet and I immediately started rubbing his back. I would hold his hair back, but his hair is too short at the moment to hold back. He relaxes against the bath tub and I instinctively wrap my arms and legs around him, so he slumps into me and I start running my fingers through his hair.

"Thank you," he whimpers.

"It's fine baby, are you okay?"

"Not exactly my love," he throws himself over the toilet again, and I go to rub his back again.

"Oh baby your burning up," I say as I brush my hand over his forehead. "I don't think you should be working for the next few days."

Tom grumbled in protest.

"Sweetheart, you are sick. I am not going to let you tire your already weak body by memorising scripts and answering Luke's calls," I sternly relied to his groan.

"It's not that ba-" he hunches over the toilet once more and dry heaves.

"Isn't it? Then Thomas tell me why at 5 in the morning we are sat on the bathroom floor while you throw and burn up."

He says nothing and I get a small feeling of accomplishment. Tom is never the type to take a day of, he always says that he feels like he lets people down if he isn't there. I understand why he thinks it, but I have to admit that he can be silly about it sometimes.

"Tom... I know that you don't like it when you have to take a day off, but the thing is, you have to take time off. You're ill and you need to let me take care of you. You are always the one to help out everyone else. Well sometimes you need help to, and you need to take a break."

We go back to curling up on the floor and passing the time by unknotting his hair with my fingers. It isn't the most appealing thing I could be doing at this time in the morning, but you've got to do these things for the ones you love.

"Sweetheart let's go back to bed..."

Tom nodded and we got up and walked back into the bedroom.

"I'll make you some tea and call Luke okay. I'll get you a book as well." I help him into bed again and wrap him up in the covers.

"A scripts a book." he groans smirking a little.

"No, no scripts. If I see you with one, I won't bake anything for the rest of the week." I give him my 'I'm not messing' look.

"Okay I get it. No scripts, just please don't take the pudding." He whines, and I giggle.

"I won't baby. Now get some rest and I'll be back up with the tea and book. Is there anything else you want me to get?"

"Sherlock and Jungle Book? The DVDs." He asks

"Sure." I smile down at him and kiss his forehead.

A/N: I hope this was a good change, I think it made it a lot more personal, but I think the next story should be in past tense. Anyway please tell me what you think. I would really appreciate your opinions.

100 story challenge (Tom Hiddleston imagines) *edited*Where stories live. Discover now