Chapter 2

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It has been 2 weeks since I was injured and I don't enjoy this one bit it has been hard to go around, exercising is difficult I no-longer go to practice since I am injured, getting to class is bliss the campus protection service has been helping me get to class and back to res yes I have a chauffeur. Today is a Saturday and its SRC a huge tournament that takes place for just a day and I am going so I can support the team the girls are really doing well this year. I get up to shower which is a huge struggle the floor gets too slippery and I find myself on the floor many times. I shower for at least 20 minutes prepare breakfast and eat. My phone rings and it's the team manager asks me to help her with getting the food to the field and I am happy with that I am still part of the team so why not plus I will be Ubering for free in the name of the team.

I get everything I need and I am the first one here I am very strict when it comes to my time I ensure I keep the time that's something my dad taught me to respect time and be on time always and I cant tolerate lateness but I never show my disapproval most of the time but my friends know this. I look at the time they are so late I check my messages to see if I missed anything and dang they changed the time to meet it was an hour early, argg I hate that I am late and now I have to pay for my Uber yoh, yoh, yoh. I check the prices and wow if I wasn't injured I was going to walk this is too much yeses. "You look like you are having a mental battle with yourself, what's up?" asks the husky voice of the person I've been trying my hardest to avoid. Siyabulela Xaba. Why now lord? "nah I'm okay actually I was Ubering to the tournament today." I say. "Oh I am also headed there you can hop in so we get there before the game starts, we late as it is." He says. 

I don't see a reason not to so I hop in and playing in the car is my favorite song Mzukulu Dali,  Saturdays are were always Maskandi Saturdays  from when I was growing up and I smile and I instruct him to open the volume. "Can you please open the sound to be a bit louder this is my jam " I say with a huge smile while singing along, this song is a family's favorite. I love ,love the song. He looks a bit shocked with me singing along to the song, but he continues to drive while looking at both me and the road and finally says "I didn't know you were into this kind of music, you don't look like the type of person who listens to Maskandi."

"I also didn't take you as the Maskandi type of person, I love this song I have a lot of fond memories about this song." I say. "I'm impressed people in Jozi don't appreciate this type of music unless they drive taxis, or live in a hostel." He says. " what do you know about taxis and hostels? You look like a soft suburbs boy, and you are being stereotyping right now and this is exactly what maskandi artists are fighting the stereotypes about the listeners of maskandi. " I say with a smile I cant conceal.

"You are right but actually I am from a rural area just a bit privileged to come from a family that can afford to do things for me, and my siblings. " He says while looks to be in deep thought. He looks up and stops the car and looks at me like he wants to say something, but a phone call interrupted him and he answered while starting the car and it begins to move. He smiles with whoever he is talking to on the phone and its like he forgot I am in the car. I zone out thinking about that time he was sweet to me. The reason I was avoiding him for 2 weeks was I made him breakfast as a thank you for helping me I got to his room and I knocked and I thought I heard him say come in, I went in and boom I walked in on him while he was doing his business he wasn't saying come in, he said he was cumming. So I walked in on him and some girl from res. I don't get why he didn't lock the door in his room.  So that is the elephant in the room he assured me its okay and all that but I am embarrassed honestly.

"We are here." He says looking at me a bit annoyed like someone who had been repeating the same thing for a while. I get out he hands me my crutches. I figure he wouldn't want to be seen with me, which is why he is remaining in the car. I say thank you. I walk towards the playing area and the game has started I see a lot of familiar faces from res, I walk towards the crowd dressed in the colors of our residence. They are singing loudly and proudly I assume we are in the lead. "Hey Tshego, howzit today? " I ask Tshego as I sit next to her. She smiles and updates me about the game and how the gents won earlier today, and them I see him walking towards the crowd with a Mihlali look alike, the girl is beautiful I wont lie I cant hate but I just admire how beautiful she is and how good they look together and I cant help but feel a bit of jealousy rushing over me.

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