Chapter 12

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I loved the look I saw on my dad's face, he looked proud of me. heck I am proud of me, I have managed to abstain till this far, I have had many opportunities to give it up but I didn't just to see my parents proud of me. I am now an adult officially even my ancestors now see me like an adult. A month ago I had my umemulo and my parents made it to be memorable, I loved it and I enjoyed my day even though it was 11 months late but it was worth the wait. The ceremony went well I am now free to live my life however. The ceremony took place in my hometown the family home in Mpumalanga Amsterdam, because such events including weddings must take place in the family home because its closer to our ancestors. The event went well I even invited my ex the one and only Siyabulela, I didn't get time to talk to him on purpose I must say. I invited him because I was supposed to invite my friends and I don't have as much friends so I invited him and my former roommates, and I invited Tshego, Zamantungwa and few of my teammates and former classmates. I invited less than 15 people the rest were invited by my parents most of those people I have never seen in my life.

Its been a month since I had umemulo I am now doing my 2nd year of articles or training in Durban Kwa Zulu Natal, since my contract with Cape Town University ended. I am now working for one of the Big Four Auditing firms, and I am not liking this one bit. The workload here is different by that I mean it is a lot of work, I am struggling and its still my first month here, the people here are really helpful which makes me believe I will be okay. I haven't made any friends, I am struggling in this city, I don't fit in. It is my first month here so I don't think I should be worried, I will be fine, oh by the way today is my 22nd birthday. The only plans I have today is going back home and buy myself cake, pizza, that type of thing. Being single sucks at times like these, I just want someone to buy me flowers, and be spoilt with chocolate, which reminds me I should add that to my list of things to buy I will buy chocolate and flowers for myself its my birthday I deserve it.

I knocked off early at work the lady boss is nice like she knows us and she ensures that we all feel special at work, so there is a culture here that each month end we celebrate birthdays collectively for the month, she takes us out for drinks and dinner. Which is great I enjoy the team spirit here but I don't think corporate is my thing but I have to suck it for the next 2 years in order to qualify. Since I knocked off early I am heading to the mall to get things for my one man dinner. I have to take taxis because uber and bolt are not allowed in this town they are fighting uber drivers saying they are taking their customers which is absurd, because uber is a bit expensive than taxis and majority of the city still uses the taxis because its much cheaper. 

I am annoyed because I have to walk in heels to get a taxi to take me to the mall, which is awful nje and the feet hurt that distance from work to the rank is unholy its way too long. I finally make it to the rank and wow there is a line I am not surprised nor shocked, its always packed here, I stand in line to town. Its faster today what a relief, I take the front seat because a lot of people refuse to sit in front because they would have to count the drivers money. I don't mind I just want to be out of here the driver gets in the car, and I am a bit shocked because he looks a lot like Siyabulela, just older from the grey hair. Okay that is weird I think I am going crazy because everywhere I go no matter where I am I will see someone like him. I am probably going crazy slowly, Its like I have never let him go because he lives rent free in my mind. I kept looking I guess he noticed "I look like someone you know or what? You've been staring at me." He says with annoyance in his tone. Oh God he even sounds like him. I keep quiet and look ahead preparing to count the money and thank God for my love of math I'm done counting the money  and everyone has their change all is well this is why I am an accountant I make things happen lol I am so hyping myself up its crazy. 

"Thank you, but may I ask why were you looking at me like that it is bothering me now," he says with a smile  now and oh he looks like him, no stop it marn. "Oh uh you look like someone I know, its like I have seen you before somewhere I am not sure where." I say looking ahead. "I also feel like I have seen you before." He finally says after silence that felt like decades. We are nearing the mall, "I am getting off at the second robots there at the mall." I say telling the driver who is smiling at me. " I have a feeling this is not going to be the last I see you I am Phakade, next time you next transport I am here just ask around you find me." He says with a huge smile on his face. He is manly and very handsome but I cant shake the feeling that he looks like an ex of mine to which we have unresolved issues with. 

He looks like he is in his late 30s or early 40s. but he is attractive. I get off and walk to the mall and my shoes are killing me, I soldier on. I get in the grocery store and the first grab a few things that I didn't have in the house, and then I buy the things in my birthday list the only thing missing is a pizza, and whoa I now have a fully trolley I thought I was buying a few things. I decide to go to Cross-Trainer first to buy sneakers, so I can get out these shoes they are killing me and I still have to carry these to the taxis and also carry them home it's a lot of hurting so a sneaker shouldn't hurt. I get there at total sports and these takkies are expensive. But I haven't bought a sneaker in a while and the ones I have at home are old, its my birthday man let me celebrate me. I now have to decide which ones I like. When I heard the one voice I fell in love with. I want to hide but hiding here is impossible because there are no aisles its just open plan store with display sneakers on the walls. 

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