Chapter 20

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This is a continuation of the previous chapter.

I am woken up by Siya, holding Siyasamkela. He hands me Samkela as soon as I am seated properly. "Hey, he was crying and I think he is hungry and you didn't leave any milk for him." He says. I take him and I take out my boob and he sucks instantly. Siya is looking at me. I look at him he looks sad or something, I cant figure it out. "Your parents left an hour ago, they were sad that they didn't even get a chance to talk to you or say goodbye." He says. "How long have I been out?" I ask him. I look around for my phone I don't see it. "More than 4 hours I think, because I came in here and Siyasamkela was crying his lungs out and you were knocked out and it was around 4pm, now its something past 8." He says. He seats next to me. " I heard about what happened, I am so sorry babe I didn't invite her, my parents did because her family is very close with my parents." He says looking sorry. " Its fine but that's not the only thing that didn't seat well with me, you were looking cozy with her when I brought you food, you two were way to comfortable with each other, I get you have a history and you may talk to each other but it doesn't sit well with me seeing you with her like that. I felt, I felt disrespected." I say, with my voice breaking a bit. He looks at me with regret and sadness. "I am sorry I didn't see it that way, I am so sorry, I see it still hurts you please find it in your heart to forgive me." He says. "its fine, I hope you wont repeat that anytime soon." He smiles and kisses me,  I feel a sharp pain in my boob, this little sucker just bit me, "ouch" I say stopping the kiss I look at Siyasamkela he is smiling like he is proud of what he just did. "He bit you?" He asks looking concerned. Samkela has been biting everything these days I think he is teething.

I am hungry, I haven't eaten since morning, "Babe are you hungry? I am going to the kitchen to get some food. I am really hungry." I say. "No I'm fine thanks. Before you leave, I am going out with my brothers and friends to get a few drinks I will be back at probably 12 or 1 am." He informs me, here's the thing he doesn't have to ask permission to go out and do him he does him as long as he informs me where is he is or going, I don't police him because obviously we are young we still have things we would like to do on our own and with our friends. So yeah I don't mind that. "Okay please don't drink and drive, if you get too drunk, uber or call me or something." I say and I kiss him on the cheek. I walk to kitchen and I find my sister there talking to Manelisi and Mlotshwa. In their corner and I see Anelisa laughing with MaBhele. This lady is the nicest person I ever met and why is she in a polygamous marriage beats me, she is beautiful even at her age, she is a gentle and king hearted soul. I guess she fell for the Xaba charm, that she agreed to marry Mr.Xaba. MaZulu is also very beautiful, smart, and I wouldn't say she is kind but she actually cares a lot about her family. All the wives, and the sisters are here and the youngest brothers are here, the eldest are not here I guess they all went to the party.

I fix myself a plate, from the food from earlier on. They all look to be busy with something on their phones, they prefer sitting in the kitchen rather than sitting in the living room I don't get why. I look at my own baby and he looks happy, he looks more  and more like his father now that they shaved his hair, he has big ears that's from my side of family. No one from the Xaba family has big ears, it comes from my line of family my brother has big ears and my baby boy had big ears. I smile at that. He smiles back. Now we are going back and fourth with smiling. Thandolwethu comes to me and seats next to me. "Hey" she says. Its been a long day and I haven't even spoken to my sister since she came here. "Hey I cant believe we haven't really spoken since you arrived. I didn't even get to say goodbye to mom and dad." I say. "No its okay really I have you all to myself July is still far its only may now so don't worry about it." Yeah she is right. We start talking and I feel that my body is now giving in I look at the time and its 11:45pm. I really need to sleep again I must be really tired. MaZulu and MaBhele offered to look after all the grandkids tonight they are assuming that we are tired and we may need to sleep so I have to fill up the bottles for the night before I sleep. I start to pump the milk from my breast and fill at least 4 bottles for the night this should be enough.

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