Chapter 3

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A month went by and we have been talking and things have been great between Siyabulela and I, as friends. I check my phone and it's a message from him and I don't know why I get so excited each time he texts me like I get excited, I even leave everything to be with him, no matter how busy or swamped I am I always make time to be with him and I just love spending time with him he is funny, he is kind, he is also very caring can be a little bit insensitive and a pain in the a** also very secretive, but that  doesn't make like him any less.  I just cant figure if I just like him as a friend or am I okay with just being his friend? 

I open his text and he is telling me is waiting for me outside res, oh today I am going to change the cast on my leg and for a check up. I hate this he will ask me if I have been to the physio he recommended, and I did speak to my parents about it but we just cant afford it so no I cant be spending money we don't have. I take my things and I look at myself once more. I then leave my room and I find him waiting for me by his car he hugs me then takes my bag, and he opens the door for me I settle comfortably. He smells good, his scent is now left on my clothes. The drive was okay he was talking to his sister all the way so I was just looking at him admiring his toffee colored skin, his arms that are toned, anyone can tell he does go to the gym, they strong, and his hands are really soft and they are always warm even when its cold they remain warm. I look at his facial features and his eyes always look like he is drunk or high they are huge, but they always look like they are small.  I have this weird obsession with male drivers, they always manage to look sexier when driving, so focused on the road I somehow find it attractive. Like I am finding him dangerously attractive at this moment.

He turns to look at me and smiles at me, before he drops the call. "I see you lusting over me, you've been staring at me for a minute, you like what you see?" he asks in the sexiest voice, and I feel a lump forming in my throat, I feel hot like someone opened a steamy pot to my face, and I feel myself sweating why did he put me on the spot like that, okay what do you do in this situation, okay keep calm, breath Buntu, breath. I take a deep breath and I feel my cheeks getting warm oh god I am blushing, why am I blushing, oh no just ignore the question ignore the man. I don't even have a come back to this. So I keep quiet. He looks at me and laughs. " Yoh ngiyadlala , I didn't mean to make you feel like this you should look at yourself right now." He says while laughing. 

He helps me out the car I am embarrassed, by what just happened. I walk with my crutches to the clinic and I see his brother talking to the receptionist he looks our way he smiles, he has beautiful smile, I guess it runs in the family, I look at Siya and he is frowning at his brother, I wonder what's that about??? " Sawubona Nondaba its great seeing you again, I hope this clown has been taking care of you." He says pointing to Siya who is seemingly mad at him, I am now curious as to why is he mad at his brother. I walk to the consulting room and I wait a few minutes and I can hear Siya arguing with his brother and he sounds angry I've never seen him angry ever. " You disgust me, why did you have to tell Dad, this is my life and you have no say in what goes and what doesn't in my life I don't interfere with what's happening to your life, so please stop interfering with mine. " He says angrily. "Look man I am trying to look out for you, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you but this is for the best, plus Dad sent me here to look after you, like why would I live my practice in KwaZulu Natal to be here if not for family, I am sorry." He says lowering his voice. I hear them walking towards the office. I really want to know what's going on but I bet he wont tell me even if I asked.

After checking my knee and ankle he says I will be out of this thing in a few weeks, and I am happy about that. I can feel the tension between them, so I avoid talking because I don't want to find myself on the crossfire between two brothers. As we are walking to the car silently and surprisingly he is holding my hand and my bag, oh boy I am happy about that. "You know you are beautiful, like truly beautiful, the weeks we have spent together have been eye opening, fun, lovely, and it sort of forced me look at myself in a different perspective and to be honest with you I don't want to be your friend anymore I want more from you. I want you, I am tired of pretending that this friendship is working for me." He says looking at me and he has gone soft, he is vulnerable to me he is opening up to me something I never had anyone doing to me. I don't know what to say. 

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