Chapter 15

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It has been a month since I lost my home and gained the love of my life, life is weird you lose something you gain something. My insurance paid out so today after work I am moving in my new flat closer to work this time. It's a walkable distance and its easier to catch a taxi there, thanks to my boyfriend with connections this building is closer to everything and its affordable, most people are dying to live in this building. I furnished it with the insurance payout. And looks great I am contempt with it. Before I returned to work 2 weeks back I left Durban and went home to my parents, because they were worried about me, and it was great for me to leave Durban for a while. When I returned to work I stayed with Siya in one of his family's penthouse. Now I am moving to my own home, its small yet soo cozy.

Work has been great, and I was rushing to finish everything on time I wanted to just go home and enjoy my new apartment. I was done finally. I received a text my man telling me he waiting outside for me. Well its been amazing the past month he has been loving me and I have been loving him and spoiling him. This type of love I am experiencing right now is unmatched to anything else I have felt before. I enjoy each and every minute I spend with him. I pack up everything because I am excited to be in my flat, my new home. There he is waiting for me he looks great as always and jeans look great on him but he hates them because they are 'uncomfortable', I pick up my pace when I see him. "Hey, you look beautiful as always." He says. "You saw me this morning, I am still wearing the same things as in the morning you are weird." I say while chuckling at his cheesy a**. "You still great regardless" He says with the most beautiful smile on his face. "Did you bring my bags?" I ask him because he has a tendency to forget things, so I have to remind him each and every time. " Of course, I remembered, you made sure I didn't forget them by texting me every minute of the day to remind me." He smiles and leans in to kiss me. He is up to something, he is way to excited more than me.

We get to the new flat, I am so excite to move in because it looks way better than the last one because my boyfriend has expensive taste, he insisted in buying most of the things in the flat and to be honest that does make me uncomfortable, I can afford to do things for myself and him wanting to do everything for me is frustrating me because, my parents raised me to be dependent on myself and not depend on anyone for anything. We have been back together for a month but he wants to be in charge of everything I do by paying for everything, in his defense its because of the trauma I have been through for losing my things in the fire, but truth is he likes being control of everything. We had fight because I refused him to pay for my rent which he made a big deal because he is a man he is supposed to provide. I get that and I appreciate him for that but what happens if we break up and he has been paying for my rent, I would need to gain my independence once I am used to nice things in nope I cant do that.

"Buntu are you still with me?" okay I zoned out there for a minute what did he say? "Huh?" I ask confused. "mxm, you like doing this I talk to you and you go somewhere else, I wont let you ruin this day with your 'absent mindedness' of yours. I said put this on." He says handing me a blindfold. "I have a surprise for you." He says with a smirk. What is he up to. I put on the blind fold and he guides me to the flat and we stop I assume we are at the door. He opens the door and held my hand as he led me in. "You may remove the blind fold." He says. I open my eyes and there is a bouquet of balloons each with a different messages and cards and as I read these they are all from the people who are close to my heart I read there's even messages from my parents. This is sweet but how did he pull this off. "How did you pull this off, did you go to my parents?" I ask curious. He laughs at the way I am looking at him. "I got them through your brother, I asked your loved ones to send me a message of whatever they wanted to say to since you are moving in today from a traumatic experience of losing your home. Then I had those printed in the balloons, and cards to say who its from." He says with a smile. "Thank you." I say tearing up a bit.

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