Chapter 24

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3 months has passed, and things are sour between me and Siya. I am trying to accept the 2nd wife but its hard, its hard seeing him with her, seeing him spend so much time with her, her making him laugh and smile whilst I am the sour one. There is one thing I can do properly and I am good at these days and it's  making him angry or something. I just cant seem to do anything right these days,  I don't know but I think he expects me to be like her. Being a miss perfect and doing things his way I am always challenging him which is something he always disliked about me but he accepted that I challenge and question his every decision, but now that seems to be a huge problem  and it is what always causes him to fight me. I just think that's his way of leaving me in the house to be with her.

Right now we are in the middle of an argument because the I came home last night, I was out with a few of my colleagues we were working late and I lost track of time work has become my sanctuary so we then went out for dinner after work. I feel in control at work than I do at home. Work is the only place I get to be myself these days and I am doing well at work . So I came home late last night, I did that on purpose to be honest I wanted him to spend some time with the kids, so me coming home late meant he was the only person to look after the kids and he is forced to be with them. "I am talking to you and you are not listening to me." He says looking annoyed. "I am tired okay, I am tired of you starting these arguments so you can leave me to be with her I get it okay I am no longer a priority in your life, I get that. But forget about me for a second and think about those little people in the next room they love you, and Samkela adores you. He asked me the other day that why don't you spend time with him anymore, did he do something wrong? He even promised to be a good child so you can spend time with him. Maybe you should start thinking about those lives in the next room." I say angrily before continuing with my rant. " I want to know where we stand in your life. So I can make a decision that will be beneficial to me and my children okay?" I say. 

To be honest my heart broke when Siyasamkela asked me why his dad doesn't spend time with him, I just didn't know how to respond, the kid is very smart he can tell when something is wrong. I look at Siya who is standing in front of me looking hurt by what I just said to him. He says nothing he just sat on the bed. I ordered breakfast from a catering company ,its supposed to be here by now. I invited his parents to breakfast because I need us to come up with a solution today. I even invited his fiance I want to know if everything fails I tried my best I gave my best for my sake and my kids sake.

*ding* They are here thank God. I open the door for them to set up, He walks in the kitchen as I am helping with the set up. He looks at me confused. "What's going on?" He asks. "Your parents are coming they will be here any minute from now." I say as I look at the time from my phone. He looks even more confused he was about to ask something else, but we was interrupted by the catering ladies, asking for my input. when we were done with the catering ladies it looks good. As they were leaving I see his parents car entering the yard I stand at the door anyway since I am here already. I welcome them and they look good as always the ladies stylish as always. They compliment me that I look good and just then I hear cries from the boys room I go and get them so they can see their grand parent, so I see Samkela is running towards me and he sees his grandfather and he instead runs to him. I rush to the room and I see Qhawe sitting up crying. I take him from the cot and I place him in my arms. Where is Makhumalo when I need her, MaKhumalo(our nanny, she is nice lady she is in her early forties, she is beautiful hands down, she is good with kids and my babies love her, she is also very smart which makes me wonder why she is a nanny?) that's a question for another day.) She is supposed to be here by now, she is supposed to take the kids to a birthday party of one of their classmates. Just then she shows up thank God. She apologizes saying something about taxis. Now that's a struggle I relate with.

So everyone is here and we are all eating quietly, and I see Siya and Nandi( the soon to be second wife) stealing glances at each other, blushing here and there. I am jealous just a tiny bit okay that's a lie, I am very much jealous but today isn't about that we are hare to discuss a way forward. "So what exactly are we doing here?" Siya asks breaking the silence. His father responds before I could. "Your wife here is complaining that you no longer spend time with her and the kids." He says with a straight face. Siya looks at me he is pissed I wont hear enough of this later I just know it. I think I should explain further. "I feel neglected Siya and I remember Baba you said to me being in a polygamous marriage is about equality, you told me that he should spend his time equally between us no one shall feel left out. Right now I feel neglected, he starts fights with no valid reason so he can leave to be with her." I say.

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