Chapter 10

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I am done with my exams, I am relieved, I am happy, I just want to do something to keep me happy, I am dressed up to go to the movies with some classmates, So now I am waiting for that text to say we are outside. I keep looking at the time they are late and I look once more they call to say they now outside. I rush to them and the car is already parked outside. Its 4 of us, 2 girls and 2 boys, these were my study buddies during the year and we decided to have some fun today to celebrate surviving this far. They suggested that we go to Sandton City mall, which is obviously in Sandton the  African capital for the Rich and famous, the most expensive homes are found there, the property there is top class, their infrastructure is one of the best. The best part of South Africa.

Its every kids dream to live in Sandton and have a taste of luxury, young boys and girls sell their souls to be part of the city. My mom would say that Sandton is a place with soulless bodies roaming the streets which I can agree to, a lot of young promising souls end up in Sandton for a quick buck, for luxury, sex, and drugs. Unlike in the JHB CBD where you will see young people who have lost hope and are into drugs, the sandton young people seem happy and full of hope and have it all but inside they are hopeless and they just be exactly the same to those in poor neighborhoods. I don't blame nor judge them, people are suffering in the country they do what they think will help their families and themselves out of poverty, our politicians care more about money than they care about us.

Poverty is thriving in our communities, with 30% of our population unemployed and most of which are graduates.  When you are in Sandton you see the difference to the rest of the country. The place is beautiful even at night, it glows with artificial light and it is vibrant and you can tell you are in a place you don't belong in, when you see the types of cars in the streets, Its those cars you could only see once in a while in the townships, and admire from far. I am in awe I have been here 2 times and its my 3rd time tonight and I still admire the beauty of this place. 

They find a parking spot and they suggest we see an action movie which they also decide against, then we can grab food before we head to the club. It sounds fair, and I have never been to a club before so this is exciting. We get food at one of the restaurants we had to pay R800  excluding drinks which is insane, but it doesn't matter. Today we eat and drink our sorrows and problems away we will deal with the consequences tomorrow. So I also get a taste of my first drink like ever, the alcohol tastes bitter but once it hits, it feels like the world is your oyster and I enjoyed every minute of it. Siya would be mad at me for being drunk, but he isn't here now is he and he can't tell me what to do anymore. 

We walk to the car and we are not that drunk yet so we drive to a Club called the Sands, and it was epic there I kept going with the drinking, it made me feel good, I felt a lot more confident and I was on the dance floor with my friends dancing the night away. I kept going to the bar to get more alcohol and some older looking man was paying for these drinks my friends and I were having, which is great because that means I am saving my own money. He came to offer me a place to sleep at one of his hotels because he thinks I am too drunk, I don't think twice I follow this man and I keep thinking about how kind he is, the people I came with I don't see them anymore so I guess they also found themselves a lift home or something. I feel dizzy and everything is blurry now the man smells great, damn I don't even know his name, he stops at a yellow Lamborghini Urus, okay something about this does not feel great I start having a weird feeling I don't want to get in his car but I don't have the strength to even try to fight it, I hate alcohol, not having power over your body sucks. I black out when we get are standing outside his car.

Next morning

I try to lift my head its so heavy and there is loud music playing and sounds like Kids singing along to the music, more like kids screaming. I open my eyes and I am not familiar with the place I am in, I see painkillers next to my bed with cold water, I take the pills and I notice there is an unsuited bathroom  here so I go there to brush my teeth or and shower cause wow I smell terrible alcohol is nasty, you feel good for a few hours the after effects are not great I look terrible also. I shower and this room has all the needs of a guest, I guess the owner is rich where am I anyway what happened last night cause right now I don't remember anything. When I get back to the room to look for my phone I see clothes placed for me on the bed and they are my size. Its sweats and a large t-shirt. I wear them and they smell familiar even the house smells familiar, but I don't recall being here ever, when I step out the room I start seeing that I have been here before, this looks like Dr. Mnqobi Xaba's house, how did I get here? 

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