Chapter 7

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Its been a week, a week without hearing from him. Without hearing his voice, without seeing his smile, without his manly scent and cologne hitting nose, without hearing his laugh, his horrible jokes, his stories, without his hug. Its even worse than when he went to other provinces or out of the country because he would try to reach me, to at least call me, this time around there is nothing. And the first week of school I haven't learned anything because I am worried about him. I cant go on like this how can someone just disappear like that, let me do something he would have done if I would go missing, he would find me or try to at least. So I am going to KZN, I don't care if I know where he is from I will find the place, apparently his father owns taxis and they do travel from Jozi to Mpangeni. So me taking the taxis from MTN Noord taxi rank would lead me there, it has to. I get to Noord taxi rank and I get in the front seat, so I can talk to the driver who I hope will lead me to him.

Its been 5 hours on the road and we are almost there, turns out this is one of his fathers taxis, and I managed to convince the driver to take me there because I am his niece. I made up a story and knowing his family members has its benefits because he was asking if I knew who and who. He is also one of the wife's cousin so he knows exactly where they live. I am now nervous what am I doing? My parents will be so disappointed in me, following a man to his family and ancestral home, a man who didn't send any cows home. Well I have made it this far, he would do the same for me. I know. So here I am. "we are here." He informs me and I thank him and give him R200 as his cold drink. I look at the home its huge, it has a main house and a rondavel next to it and in the lower left side there are 6 other rondavels. Maybe this is a bad idea honestly. I have my school back pack with me, with my toiletries and 2 day clothes and I wore a dress and a doek(head Scaff) with a demin jacket. I am looking at the home and to be honest its beautiful, you can tell a lot of money was spent to build this home.

I see some familiar face and it's Mthobisi the peace maker. He is looking my way so I guess he sees its me. He walks towards me and my heart beats faster than normal. I am now sweating, my hands are shaking my knees are getting even weaker, I feel nauseous, "Hey what are you doing here? How did you...." He stops to look at me like he sees that something is definitely wrong me, wait what is wrong with me? I am confused. He rushes to my side and becomes my support because my knees are failing me right now, we walk into the yard and that's when I felt dizzy and everything is just darker and darker. So I guess that's it, I came here to faint, I knew this was a bad idea.

" So what is she doing here?" I hear people talking but I am hearing them from far. Wait I recognize the voice its Nomkhosi and Mnqobi and Mthobisi. I try to open my eyes and I am right, they don't see that I am now awake because they are talking like they are whispering. " If mom finds her here hell will break loose she did say that we shouldn't inform anyone outside this family about what happened to Siya. Yoh this is a disaster who told her?" Nomkhosi asks concerned. What happened to Siya? I sit up and I feel heavy. Everything is heavy especially my head. "So what happened, to Siya?" I ask them, they look shocked as to what I just overheard them. "Its not a nice thing to eaves drop you know that?" They fake smile, which I also return. They don't answer me and they ask me if I am hungry. I am hungry I look at the time I have been out for 3 hours its now late, I hear thunder outside and its really late. I walk with them to the kitchen so they can make something, to eat. And as we were enjoying the bread prepared by Nomkhosi, their parents walk in with that Thadeka girl, they all look sad. They look really sad. 

They look at us trying force smiles to their children and I see Minenhle walking in right behind them. Their fake forced smiles fade when they see me, especially Thandeka and MaZulu. I avoid their eyes I look down. "What are you doing here? Who invited you to our family home?" MaZulu asks looking in my direction. Oh no my words are leaving me, my whole vocab is leaving me right before my eyes. This is not happening, I keep quiet. "I asked you a question?" She being cold towards me as usual. "I am here to see Siya, I haven't heard from him in a week, he left saying he is coming here. And I have been having Bad dreams about him being in some sort of danger, like I was losing him. I had to find him." They all keep quiet. "How did you know where we live?" His father now asks, its crazy how he looks and talks like Siya. 

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