Chapter 6

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Yesterday was great, and I enjoyed myself and at the end I did spend some time with Siya I went to his place after my family left I enjoyed their company and it was fantastic, I just kept missing my man. So immediately after they left I texted him I was on my way and I enjoyed all the activities he had planned for me and he gifted me with a necklace which I assume is expensive, its my birthday why not. So I slept over, and now I am back at res he is helping me move my things to the new res, I am nervous to meet new people there, and I hope the res will be good to me as much as this res has been to me, are the services such as WIFI and hygiene great as this ones. Those are all the things I am worried about. I pack my last box in the bakkie my brother hired for me. He likes to intervene that one if he was not busy today he would be here helping me. 

I look at the residence one more time and I all the great memories from here, and the friends I made here, which most of them have graduated and are now working like Tshego she is working on her research somewhere in Rwanda something about how they take care of the environment for her Masters she will never leave school that one. I smile thinking of her its been a while since I last spoke to her. I get in the car with Siya. I get to the new res and its much bigger than I expected it to be, it looks like apartments. From the outside. We walk in to the front desk they give me keys and room number. And the place is busy with people moving in and out, and it looks clean I am happy about that. We get to the apartment and it looks basic for students white and grey walls. Grey cabinets, white tiles, I look at the paper they gave me I am in the 2nd room the one in the middle, there are 4 rooms, a shared kitchen and lounge, a bathroom with 2 showers and no bath tub, 2 basins that's great there is a fridge and microwave, luckily I brought mine we cant be sharing everything I see the 2 other rooms are empty as they are still open and the other 2 are occupied. I walk to my assigned room and woah its huge, everything will fit here and I will have space for few extra things okay this is great. 

They help me move my things in the room and I don't waste time I unpack everything and place everything where it should be with the help of my loving boyfriend who is a perfectionist and it was annoying him criticizing every single thing I did, which led to trips to the store because he felt something was missing and he kept buying and buying unnecessary things, I think buying things for me makes him feel like good, like he can provide for me. I had to convince him many times that we buy things from Mr. Price home or PEP Home, not the expensive shops he was suggesting. The room looks great. I am happy about that now step 2 meeting the housemates I hear them talking in the kitchen so I guess I should go and introduce my self. I get to the common area (kitchen) I am nervous my hands are sweating I hate when that happens. They look chilled, one is thick like Beyoncé thick, she turns to look at me and she is beautiful like a goddess . The other one looks like she is very athletic, she is cute like baby cute. They both stop talking as they look at me walk towards them. "Hi I am Buntu Zondi, I am your new roommate" I say nervously. " Nice to meet you Buntu, I am Dakalo Manda and this is Anathi Nzimande." She says with a smile. 

We start talking about our courses and how we got here, Dakalo is doing Honors in Econometrics and Anathi is doing honors in computer science. So these are smart kids I see Dakalo's room is right next to mine. I might add that they are chilled this might not be bad after all. Its been almost 2 and half hours since we've been talking I forgot that there is someone in my room, I just saw a text from him telling me he misses me. I smile as I read the text and I say my goodbyes to the ladies. I head back to my room. "You have forgotten me, and you have been here less than a day, I guess you like them already." He says with a bit of jealousy in his tone. " I like them they look like cool people who are snobs like someone I know" I say with a smile. " That's definitely not me." He says defensively.

He complains that he is hungry because he was working all day, to be honest I am also hungry. We ordered 2 pizzas, why 2? I also don't know I said I was paying and this man decided he was going to order two, because I offered to pay. Benefits of living in a post grad residence we don't have curfews, rules about visitors none of that. Its like you are living in a independent accommodation. So my man will sleep over here tonight on my first night here thank God it's a Saturday and he wont be rushing off to work, in the morning.


There is noise in the kitchen, like someone dragging a suitcase why? Its still early I cant take this I try to fall asleep again, my hand runs to the side of the bed and nothing, I wake up because I expected him to still be here. I look around there is no sign of him. I am officially awake. I check my phone and I see a few text it reads "Morning Nondaba, So sorry babe you had to wake without me by your side, I have a family emergency I am on my way to KZN, I will call when I get there." And another one reads "I ordered breakfast for you, and if you overslept like always someone else might have received the order for you. With a heart emoji." He is so thoughtful. I smile and Take out my toiletries to take a shower. I walk out and I see that someone is moving in then that makes us 4 now, it's a full house. 

I take a shower and was done within an hour I walk to the kitchen and I see an ubereats package with my name on it in a pink note. I assume this is my breakfast I take the food and start to dig in and when I check the time its almost 12. The academics haven't started for me as I am still waiting to see if I am honors or not. There is nothing much to do without my boyfriend. He should have texted me by now, KZN is not that far because he mostly flies there. I could go to his apartment to steal more of his clothes, I do that every time he is away I go his apartment and wear some of his clothes to smell like him then I end up taking the clothes when I leave. Yup that sounds like a plan. Just then someone knocks on my room and its Dakalo. She tells me to step out of my room so we can discuss our way forward with how we will do everything in the flat. Like hygiene, respecting each other, and privacy and those sort of things. 

The new girl is Nompumelelo she looks like she is reserved, she also my neighbor on the left, she is doing her honors in Applied mathematics. The girls are chilled and the rules we made are easy to follow, flexible. " I saw a cute boy leaving your room, in the early hours of the morning." Dakalo says I get a bit uncomfortable, but I guess its okay if they know that someone will be a regular face because there is no need hiding him from them they will see him here a lot. " Oh umm yah, that's my boyfriend, he will be a familiar face here I hope there is no problem with that." I say. Anathi looks at me. " Don't worry about it, we just don't want to hear cheeks clapping when we are studying, otherwise I also have someone you might have to get used to him he is from the same residence." She says with a smile and dreamy. There is silence there after ." I guess that leaves me and you Mpumi." Dakalo says with a smile.

We ended up watching movie after movie with them sipping wine and it was enjoyable, I also would like to try some of the wine, but I remember that Siya doesn't like the idea of me drinking, so I don't even bother. Speaking of which its now 19:30 and he hasn't called me now I am worried. I call his phone it rings with no answer and after the 5th time I tried calling its now going on voicemail. He will call me in the morning I hope. I try to sleep its not working because I keep checking my phone. I cant sleep. Let me go to his apartment, I uber there and I get there and he is not there obviously. I have a feeling something is wrong, I try calling again it goes to voicemail. I take some sleeping pills because I will obsess over what happened, and stress myself even more. I finally fall asleep.

It's a Monday morning and he hasn't replied to any of my texts, calls, voicemails nothing. I search for his brothers numbers and I don't find them I never saved them, let me go to the clinic maybe he will have some answers for me. I uber to his clinic and the brother is in KZN meaning Siya is also in KZN, the brother said there was a family emergency or something and they refused to give me his numbers. I don't know what to do with myself. I went back to his apartment, I cant shake the feeling that something is wrong. I keep calling his phone with no success. Let me check my emails and keep myself busy. And there is an email about me being accepted into the honors program. I am so happy these are the type of news I share with him, I leave a voicemail telling him about the good news. I text my brother to tell him about the good news, I don't want to call him he will hear the distress in my voice so no. I start class on Tuesday which is tomorrow . I check my new time table there is a lot of free time this year.

I leave his apartment I have to prepare myself for the class tomorrow I forwarded the email to my bursary, so they can give me money to purchase study materials. Turns out they already knew and money has been loaded in my fundi card. I don't waste anytime and I buy all my materials and a lot of other unnecessary material. I get to res and I guess I look horrible because my roommates are looking at me weird. "Are you okay?" ask me and I lie and say I am fine just a bit overwhelmed with starting classes tomorrow.

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