Chapter 14

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Its lunch time and I am still finishing up some paper work. This is something I should have finished yesterday, but I knocked off early and I didn't get a chance to finish it at home. Just then I get a call from a blocked number, I know this number its Siya. I still blocked his number, I unblock him and I call him back. "Hey, why am I blocked?" He asks a bit annoyed, I can hear he is by the tone of his voice. "Hey, you were blocked from 2 years back." I reply. "Mhhh okay, your lunch will be delivered in a few minutes, made by yours truly I wanted to bring it to you but I am in Gauteng right now. I wanted to see your cute face but it is what it is." He says. "Thank you, that's so thoughtful of you. When did you leave?" I ask and just then I see Mlotshwa coming my way looking annoyed, but he forces a smile when he sees me and how did they allow him in without calling me, that's weird. "The lunch has arrived, and the delivery man looks annoyed did you force him to deliver this food, did you even make the lunch?" I ask while smiling like he is here to see me smile. "You caught me, I didn't make the lunch Mlotshwa made it, but trust me I wanted to make it and I know you dont like fast food, and you made a peanut butter sandwich for  lunch which is lame, Mlotshwa is the King of awesome sandwiches enjoy." He says. "No sweat, it's the thought that counts." I say. "I have to go, enjoy your lunch." He says while hanging up.

The lunch was absolutely, delicious the young man outdid himself. I can safely say that today was peaceful and I had a wonderful day since I started working here I was productive today, I completed a lot of work than the other days, now I am home relaxing having a bubble bath. I also bought myself some wine, playing my favorite songs. Tonight is just perfect and its raining outside I am happy. Until I got interrupted by a fire alarm, and this never happens, maybe it's a drill. Then I hear a lady screaming and crying, maybe it is serious, so I just get my rope and go outside to see what's happening and there is a fire three doors away from mine and there are fire fighters evacuating the building. I run back to get my important documents and I wear clothes that are comfortable when someone knocks on my door. I take my phone with. Just then there is an explosion, we hear screams and a woman crying for her baby. I hope she gets her baby I open the door it is a fire fighter. Who is rushing me to get downstairs, because the fire is not controllable its getting out of hand. When we get downstairs the paramedics welcome us and checking us for any injuries. That's when the we heard a huge explosion. I look up, and the whole floor is on fire, my flat is on fire. What the heck?

They managed to put out the fire before it burned the whole 5 floor building. I am glad everyone got out safe, there are people who suffered some 3rd degree burns but no lives were lost. I am grateful to make it out alive without a scratch on me, we may have lost our things but we didn't lose our lives. It's the early hours of the morning its something past 5 now and I have no place to sleep I am exhausted, I need to book in at a hotel, I was not going to work because it's a saturday. I call my brother to inform him of what had just happened and he promises me to be here ASAP. I book in at the nearest hotel. I get there and I shower and before I get to bed I email my boss that I will need a few days off, informing her of what had happened.

I am woken up by my phone and its 10 in the morning. Its my brother. "What hotel are you in?" He asks. I tell him and he is here within an hour. "Oh my God, Buntu are you okay?" He asks while examining me. "I am fine." He hugs me. He asks me what happened and I explain what happened. He suggests I sleep, I do and he says he will make a claim to the insurance company, for property lost. My brother is smart he is the one that suggested I got insurance for my belongings incase of such incidents. I am so grateful to him right now.

I hear people whispering in the room, must be Sethu. I wake up and I see someone I didn't expect to see. What is he doing here? How did he know where I was? Siya. "Hey babe, are you okay? I was so worried." He runs to hug me and he also examines me and sighs in relief when he sees that I am okay. "What are you doing here, I mean how did you know where I was?" I ask him after a long hug. "I called you when I arrived at your flat and I saw it was burnt. I thought you were hurt or something bad happened to you so I tried calling you and your brother answered and told me where you are." He explains and well my brother is not acting weird or anything like always does when there is a guy who shows interest in me. They are okay with each other, which is weird.

My brother says he is going to handle the whole insurance thing, leaving me alone with Siya. We talk for a while and he suggests that we go to the mall to buy clothes, but I don't feel like it I just want to stay indoors. "Do you want something to eat? Should we order room service? " he asks me and I don't want anything to eat. I just want to be held nothing else. "No I am fine, I just want you to hold me and not say a thing." I answer. He keeps quiet and he holds me in his arms, playing with my hair, my afro is course and tightly packed, and combing is a struggle. I enjoy the way he is playing with it, He makes me feel safe. I feel safer around him. My phone rings and its my mom. I answer they sound worried, I assure them that I am fine and there is no need for them to come here. I finally managed to convince them that I am fine. After the call I just laid back in his arms and I fell asleep again. I am woken up by the cold air coming in the room through the balcony door. "You are finally awake" I hear a voice in the dark. "What time is it?" I ask, looks like I slept the whole day. I am cold like extremely cold . "Its 6pm, are you okay? you are shivering." He asks me looking concerned. He closes the balcony door and  sets the aircon to take out warm air. "Come here" He says opening his arms for me. I walk to him and I am in his arms he smells good. "Your brother was here an hour ago, he has booked a room here. " He informs me before I even ask.

We spend the whole night watching movies without much talking, I am exhausted to even talk. I get the urge to rush to the toilet, I get up and I rush to the toilet, fu** my lady friend has visited me, how can I forget such a crucial thing, and I don't have any sanitary products with me, I need to rush to the pharmacy. "Siyabulela, I need a favor can you please get sanitary towels for me at the pharmacy? Its an emergency." I was taking chances here I remember when we had a conversation about such a few years and he said a Zulu man cant be seen with female products in public so I hope he gets them for me. "Yeah sure, I will be back in 30 minutes." Oh wow, he truly has grown. I thought he will have issues with my request. He was back in 20 minutes.

I was in his arms continuing watching the movies, when he unexpectedly said. "MaZondi, I love you. I have said this before and I meant it, me deciding we should break up, was me being a coward I was afraid of my own feelings that I had towards you, it was never about that marriage bullsh** I told you about. I was afraid that I loved you so much and maybe you didn't even love me the same I love you. I was afraid that if you got really close ,I would scare you away, when you see my imperfections, beyond my power and money, beyond the smiles. So I decided not to allow you in and push you away, at the time it seemed like the best way to protect myself and my heart. I have never let anyone in, before and having you breaking all the walls I had built for myself was scary." I am glad to hear him say these words to me, he is not looking at me.

" Look at me, I am here I have always been here for you. I love you beyond your imperfections, I don't know much about you because you keep shutting me out, I have always wanted to know all your sides good or bad, I promise to love you through it all. I want to know you let me in. Just let me in please. I want you to allow me to love you, I want to give you my all let me love you the way you deserve to be loved, and if it happens that we separate along the way let it happen when we both know that we gave it our all. I don't want you to lie to me and promise me heaven on earth, and all the BS about forever. No I don't want that I want you to accept my flaws and I do the same to yours so we can work on each other's flaws. I want us to be a team. Don't be afraid to love me the way you feel you should because I wont be afraid to love you the way I feel you should be loved." I say, and we kiss intimately this has to be one of our most passionate and intimate make-out. I feel much closer to him than ever before. we cuddled and we both ended up falling asleep.

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