Chapter 11

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" Before we go class, I would like to ask you something." Says Nathan before we come to a stop. "Yeah sure." I reply with a warm smile. Nathan Smith is one of the nicest guys I have met in my life, he is kind, super intelligent, he is also good looking too, he is disciplined and motivated, he will be rich in a few years from now I can tell his work ethic is something else. He is from England he decided to study here because of the ethics of the profession in the country and the way we are trained which makes us unique from other countries. Which better place to do it if not Cape Town University, the number university in Africa . " I would like to have dinner with you sometime from now and not a work-related dinner?" He asks me nervously.

Why not I have been single for over a year, so I agree. "How is today? Are you free?" he asks again." "Yeah sure tonight is perfect. Its been a while since I have out on a date. I am now 21 years old. Started my career recently, I am an Academic Trainee for Tax because a lot of people are not into tax, and they offered me a great amount of money, enough for me, and they are paying for my accommodation so why not? I work for my bursary but at a different institution. I was grateful to receive a post outside Gauteng. My life since I came here has been exciting, fun, enjoyable, I am not a workaholic as I thought I would be, my baby sister is also a student here which is a bonus for the both of us, she is doing her 1st year in Medicine, and so far she is killing it. Its been 6 months since I started working here.

Class ended quicker today, meaning I had time to go prepare for my date. I get to my small flat, has one bedroom, 2 bathrooms, a small kitchen, and a living room which is perfect. It came fully furnished and it was awesome I didn't see the need to change anything, just added a few things to make it homey, plus changing the place would be a waste because I am here for a year, then I will get transferred to the corporate world, to gain experience so that If I decide to be lecturer I will have some experience from the corporate world and its practices. I put on tight fit jeans with a white blouse with a maroon blazer and black heels and I did a bun with my box braids and yes I recently learned to apply make up, so I kept the look natural with a maroon lipstick. Its winter here so its cold and Cape Town weather is not helping, the weather here is confusing so I have a black jacket just in case it gets cold or something. He said he will fetch me which is cool. He is right on time. He rushes to open the door for me, "Wow you look beautiful, I like the look." I smile, and say thank you. The date was going well and we were hitting it off well. This might be a great start to getting back on the dating scene, not I ever was. The night was fantastic we ended up agreeing to a second date. We ended the night with a kiss, which was okay not wow, but okay which is good enough for me.

Month later

We did go on second and third date and we are officially in a relationship. I have a problem though he will want to do it soon and I haven't done my Memulo, because of financial issues and honestly I don't feel like he is the right person for me give him this part of me, I am picky with regards to that. So I have to inform him of this today while we are on this date, before we take things further. "Nathan, I have to tell you something." I say nervously. "Yeah what's up?" He replies, looking at me curiously. " I am not ready to do the deed, yet. I am waiting for my parents to perform a ceremony for me for reaching a certain age." I say looking at him and he doesn't seem surprised. "I figured, every time I touched you intimately, you would stop me, so I thought you are one of those girls." He says. "Don't worry I am here for you, I just like you like really like you. I enjoy spending time with you and I don't want to ruin it by rushing you." He says. I have heard similar words like this before, from someone I loved. I smile at Nathan wow any girl who will get to marry this boy will be lucky. I hope he gets someone who will love him honestly and truly.

I hear a familiar laughter, I try to put a face to the laughter, and boom I see Siyabulela's parents. Oh my God, I just made eye contact with his father sh*t I see him making his way towards us, as he waves at me. Whoa he looks happy which is rare, he is even smiling. Oh God he is friendlier than normal I think he is drunk they both are drunk. "I didn't know you were going to be here, what are you doing here?" He asks me and how is this any of his business but I answer regardless. "I work here now." I reply. "You are no-longer a student? Time flies. And who is this?" Oh God I wish I could just disappear right now. "Oh umm this is my boyfriend, Nathan Smith, Nathan this is Mr. Xaba, a friends father. And this is Mrs Xaba" I say. They shake hands. " Oh nice to meet, you Nathan, Nondaba it was nice to see you again, oh and by the way your 'friend' didn't get married to that woman, turns out she got pregnant by the another dude." Siya's mom says. I don't think it that was any of my business. Drunk people are weird I chuckle to myself. Well serves him right, but damn.

They left us and it got weird between Nathan and I, I guess he read between the lines that they were talking about my ex, he is not stupid. And yes I felt weird after they left so did he. "They are talking about an ex-boyfriend of yours is that right?" I nod yes and we continue with our dinner, in silence and awkwardly. " Look he not a threat to what we have, he is my past and yes I loved him, but I wont let anything come between what we have here right now." I say assuring him. He breaths in relief and then things were great once again.

4 months later

Nathan and I broke up a week ago because his visa has expired, and he has to go back home, where he got a Job offer with one of the big four accounting firms in the UK so he took the opportunity I wouldn't allow him to miss out on the opportunity because of me. Knowing that I am not in love with him like that. So we agreed to remain friends. So today he is leaving. I am not that great when it comes to goodbyes. I drop him off at the airport. We hug for what feels like a decade he lets go and this was goodbye. 

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