Chapter 8

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He woke up. We all rushed to the hospital. He was sitting, and flirting with the doctor back to his usual self that's good, his family goes in first I stand outside his ward, his family has been waiting for him to wake up longer than I have. They stayed for at least 15 minutes. They all left the room except for his dad who called me in. I walk in the room and he smile is even wider, he is excited to see me, his lips are dry and we laugh at dry his lips are we joke about that. " I heard you. I don't ever want to hear you cry like that again ever." He says to me now serious. I don't know how to react his father is in the room. His father also looks at me with his eyes now soft, but they harden quick enough. 

" Tell me why is my father visiting your girlfriend? Do you have any idea what's that about?" He asks the both of us. He doesn't answer so I also don't because I am confused, I have told him about my dreams with the man and he didn't make much of it we both thought its someone in my family visiting me, but to know its his grandfather it is weird, because I started seeing him weeks after we started dating. This is weird. "I guess we have to consult someone about that when you get out of the hospital." Says his father and he just nods. His father leaves the room and its just me and him. We talk for another 45 minutes, catching up on what's been happening, sharing the good news, just enjoying each others company, when I told him how I got here, he is not happy anymore he looks mad with fact that I was not informed of his accident, before they tell us that visiting hours are over. I promise to be back tomorrow.

Back at his family home after a week.

People are in high spirits they all look happy that he is back and healthy, I also am happy but I have been here for a week meaning I have missed a week in school and I am two weeks behind, so I leave today because staying here longer will not yield any good results so I will leave his family will look after him until he is fit enough to be alone. Yesterday Siya's father went with us to the traditional healer who said he was expecting to see us. I never understood how these things work, but I have always respected them because at home they would have these ceremonies to please the ancestors and I believe they are always looking after us. So the healer said I was a gift to Siya's family, I am basically a family member and Siya needs to do right by me and that there has been a great deal of good luck coming from such relations. The man I have been seeing Siya's granddad has been working hand-in hand with my ancestors to protect me and Siya.

To be honest all this is just overwhelming. This brings a lot of pressure for us to get married. and I haven't really thought about marrying Siya like for real for real. I just turned 20 and I don't see myself getting married anytime soon. Well Siya hasn't looked at me since, maybe he didn't want to marry me after all he was just saying to keep me happy. So yeah this is overwhelming. Sometimes ancestors make decisions for us without us even being aware its weird. I guess I will talk to Siya when he gets back to Joburg. Right now he is ignoring me and bumping into me. I honestly feel the same, but I need to say good bye to him. Things will be awkward and weird for a while I can tell. I shouldn't have come here in the first place.'ukuphapha' my mom will kill me when she finds out about this.

Today will be my first time on a plane ever even though its just 2 hours, I am nervous and I would have appreciated to do it with Siya by my side. But I have to do things on my own at times and this is one of those things. We get to the airport and no one has said a thing since, his father remains in the car and Siya walks me to the check in, and he hasn't said anything to me, we get there and I tell him its fine he can go home I will wait for the plane which leaves in 30 minutes and I don't mind being alone right now to process everything. I am hesitant to hug him but I do it anyway and he returns the hug but its not as warm as I hoped it would be its distant, I let go and I fake smile. He just leaves without a word. Well that was awkward, I take out my phone to check my emails when I heard announcement of the plane I will be taking. I get to the plane and I seat next to a nice short lady she smiles at me and doesn't even try to converse which I am grateful for, I put in headphones and I fall sleep before it even takes off.

When I get to res I see the girls cooking and cleaning, wow I haven't been here for a week, and I have missed my chores, they understand I told them I had to leave because of a family emergency. I have to make it to these girls for taking my chores, I was supposed to clean the bathroom and the common areas as it was my week. I might as well take their weeks and so their chores to make up for this. "Hey welcome back, I hope everything went well on your trip to KZN." Dakalo says to me she is the sweetest roommate of them all. "Yeah everything went well, thank you." I say avoiding any conversation and they can see that I am not in the mood for any conversations. I head to my room and I feel asleep instantly.

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